A Journey into Activism

Fraser Brown
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2018

One of the last posts before our long awaited ICO shall focus on Activists and Activism.

In addition to a focus on product development the ACT team has been forging alliances and connections with activists and movements globally.

In August after the successful pre-ICO we returned to Wales to learn more about the technical complexities of the planned open cast coal mine near Aberthaw coal power station in Wales. It was difficult to listen to the tales of skullduggery that big business had used to put profit ahead of people’s health and our planet’s future. Above, Phil, Chair of UVAG United Valleys Action Group described how the company responsible for the mine (below on his doorstep) paid contractors to “offer to wash their cars” so that the community would unwittingly get rid of evidence of the harmful coal dust pollution.

While in the UK, we also went further North where a community led by Grandmothers, thats right you heard me — Nanas, are fighting fracking. They are doing this because they are determined to protect their grandchildren. It might sound funny, but this Nanas movement has grown to hundreds of hubs across the North East of England who have mobilized and coordinated. The fracking company is fighting them in the courts but it seems like the Nanas don’t particularly care if they get fined and are quite happy to argue in court that they should be allowed to walk along the road at a pace consistent with their physical condition even if that does cost the fracking company millions of dollars because their equipment cant get past them. Oh dear …

Our community is developing a smart contract that will allow supporter everywhere to contribute ETH which will automatically be sent to Nana’s all over the UK to support their travel costs to support the resistance.

These Nanas will not be stopped, and believe me, the authorities have become more and more intimidating. In the rainy scene above we were moved on by Police just a few minutes after taking a picture with the fracking site in the background.

All over the world movements are rising particularly to push governments to act on climate change. We also signed an MOU with a US youth movement focused on climate change, and have started discussions with groups across Africa and Asia who face much more heavy handed government opposition. There was huge activist presence at this years Climate Change conference COP23 (anti-gas picture above). The negotiating halls were continuously filled with the songs and outcry of protesters. Friends, its time to join the Activists and fight for our future.

The conclusion?

ACT’s time is now.



Fraser Brown
Editor for

Olympian > Entrepreneur > Social Entrepreneur > Crypto save-the-planet Entrepreneur Contact: @fraserbrown_org