Too much Sushi giving you a headache? Take two DAO and call us in the morning.

Adam J Kerpelman
2 min readSep 11, 2020


“SUSHI Chef” did 6 days of work, made a million dollars a day, and on the seventh day rested in his Lambo. Then he gave it all back!

In this doc we’ll explore how we could’ve avoided all the SUSHI drama in the first place.

What Happened âť“

A lot… You can learn all about it on DeFi Rate.


Our Motivation 🦾

We’re not really here to jump in on the fight over how this “should” have played out and what people might think about “ vampire protocols.” We are here, however, because we think things could have been better with a DAO. Here we’ll break down why, and how communities in the future could make the whole thing work.

Community first fair launch

  • Spin up a token.
  • Create a DAO that controls the token.
  • Token holders can join the DAO as members.
  • DAO members can vote on things like liquidity reward programs, the allocation of the Dev fund etc…
  • The DAO holds tokens in GuildBank allowing members to RageQuit and redeem their tokens at any time.
  • The DAO community members vote to reward contributors and developers with DAO shares and/or token grants.

No single party controls anything, no party exit scams. The protocol is by and for the faithful token holder community 🍣 Yay DAOs.

Launch your own DAO! 🚀

If you think this is cool drop into the 🏰 DAOHaus Discord and/or we’ll help you summon a DAO of your own!

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Originally published at https://daohaus.substack.com.



Adam J Kerpelman

Early Adopter. Technologist. Legal Scholar. Blockchain nerd. WaHoo. Zengineering Podcast Co-host. Founder & CEO @ Juris