DAFI Protocol SHO guidelines

DAO Maker
DAO Maker
Published in
5 min readMar 10, 2021

DAFI Protocol Rules

DAO Maker is excited to introduce the new Strong Holder Offering (SHO) — DAFI Protocol.

DAFI uses synthetics for a better incentive model for every decentralized economy. The first protocol to enable staking, liquidity and bounties proportional to every network’s own demand.

DAFI introduces the first alternative since Bitcoin, to use network rewards for building a decentralized economy. Instead of directly issuing tokens for staking & liquidity — Dafi ties synthetics to each network’s adoption. This means that the token release & network demand is proportional. Meaning users are still incentivized when adoption is low, but by being rewarded later, not earlier. By linking these two factors, it attracts longer-term users to be incentivized longer, supporting adoption.

This SHO is non-refundable; all raised funds will be dedicated for the project upon completion of the SHO. For more details about the project, check our research page on DAFI Protocol.

DAFI Protocol SHO Guidelines

Only whitelisted wallets are allowed to send funds. Sending money from Exchanges may result in the loss of your funds, never send funds from the exchanges.

If you have won a ticket and contribute from a different wallet than the whitelisted wallet, your transaction will be refunded.

There will be two rounds for DAFI Protocol SHO

  1. Merit round — 135,000 USD

Merit round is a main public round where the participants sign in with their wallets for participation.

In order to participate you will need to stake at least 500 DAO in our Vaults. To access our vaults go to http://vault.daomaker.com. For the DAFI Protocol Staked DAO Tokens and Staked LP DAO will count towards the sale. Please note that once DAO are staked in our Vaults there is a 10 day unlock period. Unlocking before the end of the 10 days leads to a 10% burn of your tokens.

Use this link for staking your DAO vault.daomaker.com

Once you have a minimum of 500 DAO or more staked you can go and sign-in for the participation at socialmining.daomaker.com

DAO Tokens outside of the staking contracts will NOT Count for the SHO!

Use the same wallet you have staked your DAO Tokens with to sign-in.

The staked amount will put you into the specific tranche

Tranche 1: staking 500–999 DAO

Tranche 2: staking 1,000–1,999 DAO

Tranche 3: staking 2,000–3,999 DAO

Tranche 4: staking 4,000–9,999 DAO

Tranche 5: staking 10,000 DAO — 24,999 DAO

Tranche 6: staking 25,000 and more

Being in higher Tranche is significantly increasing your chances or getting a winner ticket.

We will display the amount of winning tickets per tier at the end of the staking period (16.03 15pm UTC).

Only staked DAO or DAO LP via using vault.daomaker.com will count. LP DAO will receive a multiplier of 3x. Meaning having 500 worth of LP DAO equals to 1500 DAO.

We will issue 300 winning tickets for 270 allocation spots.

Personal cap per winner will be 500 USDC. The SHO will be closed once 135,000 USD is reached. Participants who will send money after 135,000 USDC have been filled will be refunded.

Sending USDT or any other currency or sending from exchanges or custodial wallets will result in loss of funds.

Timeline for Merit Round

March 11th (12pm UTC) — sign-ins start

March 16th (12pm UTC) — sign-ins are closed

March 16th (14pm UTC) — winners are announced by email, KYC is open for 1 hour

March 16th (15pm UTC) — Contributions are open for winners of merit round

Contributions are closed as soon as 135,000 USD cap is reached

March 17th — Scheduled TGE

2. Community round — 12,500 USD

The community round has already started with the applications through the form.


Steps for Whitelisting

In order to qualify for the DAFI Protocol DAO Maker SHO community round, entrants must -

1. Follow the DAFI Protocol and DAO Maker Twitter accounts



2. Retweet and like the DAFI Pinned Tweet

Include the hashtags $DAFI and #SHO & tag two friends in the retweet.

3. Join the DAFI Protocol Telegram groups



4. Fill in the entry form, confirming your detail.

The application form is now open. Apply here.

The form applications are to be closed on March 15th at 17pm UTC

Winners are going to be selected on March 16th and notified via email about their results. We will send out emails as soon as the collection of merit round will be finished, so we will open the platform and KYC for the winners of the social round. They will have to log in to socialmining.daomaker.com, pass KYC and contribute 100 USDc to the provided wallet, one hour later.

There are in total 200 winning participants for 125 allocation spots, so once you receive an email make sure to be quick, pass KYC and contribute to the wallet in one hour.

We will close the contributions as soon as the 12,500 USD cap will be reached.

Once we send out emails, users who won will have one hour to pass KYC and the contributions will start in exactly one hour. Same as with the process of Merit round.

For this reason keep track of the emails that you have provided in the form to know your result.

Note: 2,5k is allocated for a spare artwork competition of DAFI. You can read more about it here https://dafiprotocol.medium.com/creative-competition-whitelist-828ab282fb07

Each winner will get 100 USD allocation for DAFI SHO. There are global (20 spots) and separate Korean rounds in this event (5 spots).

Please refer to DAFI community for more information about artwork competition.

Timeline for Community round

March 5th (14pm UTC) — applications via form started

March 15th (17pm UTC) — form applications are closed

March 16th (after merit round collection is closed) — winners are announced by email, KYC is open for 1 hour

March 16th (as soon as 1 hour for KYC is over) — Contributions are open for winners

Contributions are closed as soon as 12,500 USD cap is reached

March 17th — Scheduled TGE

KYC Limitations (Merit and Community Round)

Citizens and residents of the following countries are not eligible to participate in the event:

Afghanistan, American Samoa, Bahamas, Barbados, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burundi, Cambodia, Canada, Central Africa Republic, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Guyana, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, North Korea, Laos, Libya, Mauritius, Mongolia, Myamnar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Puerto Rico, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Sri Lanka, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Vanuatu, United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

