Long-term Staking Vision, Team Tokens Locked for 3 years in Venture Staking

DAO Maker
DAO Maker
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2022

The DAO Maker team and our community are long-term believers in the DAO token. As a the result, most of the circulating supply is locked for several years, leaving around 3.7M DAO remaining on centralized exchanges. Our proprietary staking contracts have been growing up only and now locking over 60% of all circulating tokens for an average of 1.7 years. When compared to other highly respected companies, few can compete.

Some of you reading this right now might ask yourself why this launchpad token is outcompeting some of the biggest protocols in space?

DAO The perfect Utility Token

The Venture Staking Locking Mechanism
Proprietary Staking contract that rewards long-term stakers and fees early unstaker. Fees are burned and given to stakers that stay loyal to their stake. Once a user wins an SHO, future vested tokens will only be distributed by our smart contracts as long as the user remains staking their DAO. Turning all IDO winnings into staking rewards.
Cycle Agnostic Product
Unlike 99% of the coins out there that come and die with trends and cycles, DAO Maker is cycle agnostic and therefore bear market proof. In fact, since the start of the bear market the yield and rewards reached ATH.
Continues flow of non-inflationary yield
99% of coins, including the most respected DeFi protocols, inflate themselves to death before even turning one year old. As the saying goes: If you don’t know where the yield comes from, then you are the yield. DAO holders all know where the yield comes from as most of them do not buy DAO as a speculative asset but to gain premium access to
the DAO Maker Platform.

Long-term Cashback model
DAO provides premium access to the DAO Platform, which is widely considered the best Launchpad in the world. 20% of all tokens distributed via the platform are converted to DAO and then paid back to the user via the Venture Staking staking model. A free service to all that stay longer than the average user’s staking period. Therefore the average staking
time keeps increasing.

Continuous Developments:
New product releases happen every month, and products are well-considered to generate meaningful value for our users and the industry. In the next few weeks, the team will present several new products that will give DAO Maker another massive leap forward.

Due to all the above and more, the Team decided to join our community and stake all the recently unlocked Team tokens for 3 years.

Exact Amount: 7,215,000 DAO, which equals to all unlocked DAO Team Tokens. TXD

About DAO Maker

DAO Maker is the leading crypto launchpad and incubator with over 100+ projects launched and $30 million raised. DAO Maker aims to redefine Venture capital by making it accessible to the masses. We are on our way to achieving that with more than 170.000 users KYC’d and users spread around 158 countries. DAO Maker has consistently onboarded market-leading projects onto the platform — such as Alice, Step App, or XCAD
— setting trends in every market condition.

