They are stealing YouTubers accounts to stream fake Binance, Ripple, Ethereum or Bitcoin Cash giveaway on them

DAO Maker
DAO Maker
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2020

Maybe you have noticed that there is a lot of fake Binance stream on Youtube lately. The crazy part is that those live streams are on big accounts with thousands of subscribers.

The scammer or group of scammers most likely from Russia started a new scam that is targeting YouTubers. They simply write you an offer to promote their platform on your youtube channel in the form of a preroll video.

They want you to download and try out their platform to see how it is and if you are interested. After clicking on the shady link it will take you to their website that is made in a 1:1 ratio with another website from a real company.

After downloading and running the program nothing will happen, but in the background, there is a program running.

What is the program doing?

  1. Screenshot of your PC screen.
  2. Text document with all information about your PC.
  3. Text document with all passwords saved in your browser + copies your session ID.
  4. Download cookies from your browser
  5. Get remote access to your computer without you noticing.

All that repeating every 5 seconds.

If they get access to your YouTube account they will just turn to rename the account to Binance or Binance announcements, hide all old videos, change profile picture and run a streaming loop with a fake giveaway in the description to scam people of money.

This happened to a lot of YouTubers lately. According to unofficial information, it could be over 50+ YouTubers with big fanbases.

It’s also important to notice that those hackers are somehow able to bypass two-step verification.

They are getting all the passwords that you have saved within your browser since those passwords are not encrypted. Make sure to use a 3rd party program to save them.


Scammers will always look for new tricks and ways to scam people. Sometimes they use people’s naivety or carelessness. If you are a YouTuber be careful and don’t fall for such a cheap trick. It’s not always Binance, sometimes it’s Ethereum or Ripple, but in 90% of cases, it’s Binance.

On top of everything, YouTubers can lose their sensitive personal data if they hold them on their PC. One Czech YouTuber lost his ID to a scammer to find selling on the dark web 3 days later.

Among accounts that have been scammed are for example Roth Wellden that has over 300K subscribers, his account was broadcasting Binance fake giveaway for 3 days before his account was restored, but not everyone is lucky and some can’t restore their accounts.

Be careful, not only YouTubers but everyone because scammers are trying their best.

CLICK THIS LINK for an article with specific examples of stolen accounts

Informations in this article were taken from the Roth Wallden video where he is explaining the scam to his community.

Thank you for reading

Benjamin from DAO Makers

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