Top 5 most hilarious ICOs/meme coins ever

DAO Maker
DAO Maker
Published in
7 min readJan 30, 2020

Besides the amount of rekt, scams and craziness that the ICO madness got us, there is one little bright light that will keep investors smiling during the hard times THE MEME COINS. This article will hopefully give you the “chills” in these intense times. We all know that the crypto community operates with some spicy individualist that are keen to do whatever it takes to makes us laugh.

*This article is for entertainment porpuses only, 98% of the text in this article should not be taken seriously.

1. DogeCoin

DogeCoin is the most known meme coin ever. Interestingly enough people are trying to get this coin to the next level. It was created in 2013 as a funnier Bitcoin alternative with innocent Shiba-Inu as it’s identifying mark. During the 1st of April in 2019 DogeCoin community ran a twitter poll about who should become a new leader and lead them into greatness. Out of 4 options, the DogeCoin community selected Elon Musk. Elon Musk did a truly Elon's move and replied with

“ Dogecoin might be my fav cryptocurrency. It’s pretty cool.”

“Dogecoin rulz.”

He carried the joke further by adding “CEO of Dogecoin,” to his twitter bio to later changed it to “retired CEO of Dogecoin.” for a brief while.

There were many cool initiatives that the DogeCoin community participate in. For example: Rising a $25K to help the Jamaican bobsleigh team attend the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Jokes aside. We could argue that DogeCoin is more serious than a lot of self-proclaimed game-changers in the space, has far better community and utility. While creating DogeCoin Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer would never even dreamed about how far it can go. It’s Ranked 32 on CMC by market cap with an $82M in volume on over 270 exchanges. A lot of stores started to accept DogeCoin and it seems like, enthusiasts are still working to improve it. Who knows maybe DogeCoin will stay here longer than many “serious” projects that are out there today.

2. FitVitalik

Ethereum = Vitalik Buterin, Vitalik doing well = Ethereum doing well.

Thus the community decided to run an ICO to sponsor Vitalik’s healthy lifestyle and transform him into a beast. They were able to raise 33.5 ETH during an ICO.

Founds for what?

Gym Membership — The most important thing is to get access to the “battlefield” in this case it’s GYM.

Personal Trainer — It’s crazy to think that Vitalik needs a boss while he is the king of the world, but on these terms, he needs someone that will transform him into a gym phreak to later rule this industry as well.

Good Food — Community’s main concern is that Vitalik is not eating as he should be. To fix it, the project promised to find healthy and juicy food catering for Vitalik.

Transformation progress

In theory, Vitalik should become an animal by hitting 4 main milestones.

First milestone

While his body might look like this at the start. After hard work, lots of food and dedication he will eventually become a legend in gym space as he is in crypto space.

This is how Vitalik should look after more than 10 years of hard training with his personal coach↓

Vitalik’s final form

The sad part is that the project failed to proceed into phase 2, where Vitalik Buterin should start working out. We hope that it’s never too late and the project will proceed smoothly, to achieve all its goals.

3. Jesus Coin

Jesus Coin

“And there would be a cryptocurrency, and it would be wondrous, and the Lord would say unto three followers to buy three Jesus Coin, at the highest possitble bonus structure.” — Jesus Coin website

Who would say no to Jesus? He was around for over 2000 years now. Which is indicating that he got tremendous experience.

What is the team working on?

  1. Sin Forgiving Jesus Coin is negotiating with churches to outsource sin forgiveness.
  2. Transaction Speeds Record transaction times between you and God’s son
  3. Predicted to Achieve $50bn Market Cap — Predicted by Peter (not the disciple)
Jesus Coin
Jesus Coin

The meme coin gathered an astonishing 164.6 ETH during its ICO. Some people send them the money in a form to say “thank you, for making their day better”. Unfortunately, the joke was performed during the 2017 ICO craze which leads me to believe that there is a lot of ETH from people that legitimately believed that they would make money on it.

4. Useless Ethereum Token

UET website

Maybe the cure for an ICO madness is 100% transparent coin?

The UET ICO transparently offers investors no value, so there will be no expectation of gains. No gains means few investors, few investors means few transactions, and few transactions means no Ethereum network lag — not to mention no depressing posts on /r/ethtrader about people losing all their savings!

Besides openly admitting that this token is a joke and that it has no value, no development and all the money collected will be used to buy goods for personal use, the creator was bombarded with over $300K worth of ETH.

That’s very odd if we look from today’s market perspective, but during 2017 and early 2018, it makes perfect sense.

Perhaps the best description of the ICO market during those times was brought to us by the one and only UET creator:

You’re going to give some random person on the internet money, and they’re going to take it and go buy stuff with it. Probably electronics, to be honest. Maybe even a big-screen television.

Nothing to add or remove, this is the ICO craze in the nutshell, referring to the previous coin I can only say “Amen”.

5. SpaceKim


SpaceKim claims to be a “North Korean space program”.

The goal is to create a space rocket that will get Kim to the moon. Where he will conquer the moon and proclaim the state of Moon Korea. For the KIM token holders, this is the major milestone because 1 KIM token equals to 1 km² of moon land

There is a Mars colonization in plans as well after successfully proclaiming the moon as a “Moon Korea”.

There are real easter eggs that SpaceKim creators prepared for us.

SpaceKim Team

As we can see on the picture there is a Dennis Rodman as a Foreign Ambassador, as a matter of fact, Dennis Rodman is indeed friend with Kim Jong-Un. He visited North Korea several times and even organized a basketball match there.

On the other side, I have strong concerns that the statement below is not true.

I used to give Kim Jong-Un private moonwalking lessons when he was a kid. Now he is the best moonwalker alive! — Michael Jackson

There is more fun stuff on the website.

KimSpace timeline

KimSpace ICO collected $48,369. Luckily this is not enough to fulfill Kim’s wild dreams about conquering the space.


To put Kim into the deep depression there was a SpaceTrump ICO launched that aims for better success than SpaceKim.


Truthfully, the cryptocurrency space is full of comedy gold. There is a lot of “meme” coins that were launched in the past. However, it’s unbelievable how much money the ICOs are able to collect, even if they openly acknowledged that they are just a “for fun coin”. Interestingly enough some of those coins survived longer than so-called “Bitcoin Killers”.

There is a perfect picture that can summon up this article

Thank you all for reading

Ben from DAO Makers

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