DAOSquare Monthly Report — August

Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2021

Another month of rapid progress!

In August, the DKP Open Beta was successfully completed, and we received a lot of feedback from the community. Thank you again for your support! In addition, DAOSquare Lightpaper is released, hoping to help everyone better understand what DAOSquare is going to do~



Evaluation of technology selection and development preparation are in progress. Multiple groups of developers are jointly evaluating the implementation plan of this project and carefully reviewing them based on a financial security perspective.


A 21-day DAOSquare DKP Open Beta started on August 3, and the community members enthusiastically participated in the beta and gave us a lot of pertinent suggestions; we also launched an Essay Contest during the DKP Open Beta, which is currently being voted by the community and the results will be released in September. In addition, in August we have also completed the initial design of the DKP-based API protocol. In the future, any community or project can build a DKP scenario based on the DKP API to meet their needs.

DAOSquare Bot

In addition, DAOSquareBot, which will be combined with DKP, has completed the MVP development, which enables Praise to issue points, random lucky winners, red-packets, etc. DAOSquare Bot will start its open beta events in the near future.

Incubation Projects

This month, 10+ early-stage projects have submitted applications to DAOSquare, including Virtual Worlds + NFT, DAO Infrastructure, NFT projects, Crypto Incubation Camp, etc. Research and communication are currently underway..



DAOSquare released LightPaper this month to help everyone quickly understand DAOSquare.

DAOSquare Community Guide

DAOSquare released a community guide this month. The community guide elaborated on the meaning of the DAOSquare community, as well as the preliminary framework of community governance, and announced the concept of “Community Canteen”, which is a key step for DAOSquare towards community governance. In the first phase, the Community Canteen will be responsible for the rule making and evaluation of community contributions. The members of the Community Canteen will be selected through the relevant mechanism of DKP.

Community Volunteers

This month, 4 community volunteers joined DAOSquare to help DAOSquare Chinese and English community development together.



This month, as a member of the MetaCartel ecosystem, DAOSquare sponsored the MCON offline event initiated by MetaCartel. The event will be held in Denver, USA on September 16.

For more details please visit: https://www.mcon.fun/

Wanxiang Summit

This month, DAOSquare started to prepare the event plan for Wanxiang Blockchain Summit 2021. The preliminary plan has been completed, and we have communicated with several overseas communities (DAO) and projects. Once the preliminary plan is determined, the official website of the event will be released to announce the details of the event.


Number of DKP Open BetaParticipants

  • user:3974
  • pageview:150,739


  • pageview:17.9k

Born in the well-known West Ethereum community MetaCartel, DAOSquare is dedicated to building a Web3 incubator which aims to be the Y·Combinator in the Web3 era.

Website: https://daosquare.io

Incubator: https://incubator.daosquare.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DAOSquare

Discord: discord.com/invite/wtgQN5C

Forum: https://forum.daosquare.io

Media: https://dao2.io

