DAOstack Update: First Proposal Funded || Presenting at Tribalize || DutchX Code Audit and Case Study || Media Roundup

Stratis Karadakis
Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2018
Photo by https://enspiral.com/

The First Proposal Funded: Enspiral Book

In our last update, we reported that Alchemy, the first app built on DAOstack with a focus on decentralized resource allocation was up and running through its mainnet alpha deployment. We also reported that the Genesis DAO, the first DAO to be deployed with the stack and to use Alchemy, was live in an alpha pilot version. Now we’ve successfully used Alchemy’s holographic consensus model to pass the Genesis Alpha DAO’s very first proposal:

DAOstack will contribute funds to an upcoming book publication from Enspiral, a global group of freelancers, artists, and social activists devoted to collectively building social ventures. Anthony Cabraal, Editor of Enspiral Tales, explains that the book will include essays, reflections, and guides from a variety of perspectives on “growing leadership, community without hierarchy, collaborative finance, shared decision making and how we built a culture of peer support and self development in service of designing livelihoods around positive impact and purpose.”

Learn more about Enspiral by watching this video!

Enspiral and DAOstack not only share closely aligned missions, but have also both benefited from the talents of people like Kate Beecroft and Francesca Pick, two Enspiral members who were integral to the pilot phase of Alchemy. Kate, Francesca and their Enspiral companions created a funding proposal inside Alchemy, and Alchemy’s test community of 40 members agreed to fund the book with 2.8000 ETH in three days. The funds were transferred to Enspiral’s crypto wallet upon the passing of the proposal.

After the first round of creating and voting on proposals within Genesis Alpha, DAOstack held a feedback session with all participants to understand what worked and what could be improved during the entire proposal process. We’re now integrating the feedback into our preparations for for Genesis Alpha’s public call for proposals, happening within the next few weeks.

DAOstack Presenting at Tribalize

Tibet Sprague, our technical lead for Alchemy, and Josh Zemel, DAOstack Communications, were at the Tribalize conference last weekend (July 7–8) in Loveland, Colorado. This was the third Tribalize summit, which focused on thought leadership for regenerative community living projects.

Tibet served as a panelist on the “Planetary Transition Tech: Ecosystems for 2020 and Beyond” workshop and co-lead the “Generating Agreement: Governance and Conflict Resolution” workshop. Josh served as a panelist on the “Crypto 4 Good” workshop, which also featured crypto leaders from Numundo, Native Token, and Superluminal Systems. The conference’s three-day program included workshops, keynote speakers, and plenty of healthy meals and yoga sessions.

A DutchX Code Audit and Case Study

Gnosis is a prediction market platform that contributed to DAOstack’s seed fundraising and will be utilizing Alchemy within its developer network. In addition, DAOstack and Gnosis recently announced a further partnership: DAOstack is a foundational element of Gnosis’s Dutch Exchange, a decentralized exchange for ERC-20 tokens based on the Dutch auction principle.

DutchX’s native currency is Magnolia, a token which holders can use to lower the cost of participating in the exchange. With the aid of DAOstack, Magnolia tokens will also serve as tools for community-driven governance of the exchange. DAOstack’s governance modules are particularly crucial in the GnosisX challenge, a competition to see who can design the best prediction market apps on top of Gnosis. By using DAOstack, Gnosis will help ensure that the selection of winners will be fair and community-driven.

DutchX recently retained the smart-auditing firm Solidified. This article on Solidified’s blog explains what the two projects were able to bring each other. The completion of a successful, in-depth code audit brings DutchX’s launch (and the DAOstack utility built into it) much closer to fruition!

DAOstack Gets Onto Reading Lists

Consensus Clubs, a platform for consensus-driven group investments and decision-making, recently posted a reading list on decentralized governance that included a list of noteworthy projects designing governance modules. Matan’s Feb. 6 post “Decentralized Governance Matters” made the mark and you can check it out here.

Media Roundup

We received an in-depth review from the good folks at Cryptopedia. They run down the how DAOstack can address the challenges of decentralized governance, the Gen Token and the holographic consensus, Alchemy, and our advisors and roadmap. Watch it on Youtube here.

Photo by https://bitcoinmagazine.com

Matan Field was also featured in Bitcoin Magazine in a piece titled, “To Better Organize, Decentralize.” The article also refers to a podcast with Matan where he dives deeper into DAOstack and specifically Alchemy:

“So what is the limiting factor in producing solutions? Why haven’t we solved the scalability problem? The actual answer is the decision-making capacity to wisely deploy capital into human capital and produce solutions. That’s exactly the role for Alchemy: decentralizing the decision-making function, so that people can get into the system, and they can make any proposal to use funds. People can vote on a proposal and produce decisions in large numbers, effectively.”

Introducing a New Developer for the DAOstack Team, Ben Kaufman!

Ben was kind enough to tell us a few words about himself and why he joined DAOstack:

Ben Kaufman, developer at DAOstack

“I decided to join DAOstack as I find the project fascinating and with great potential, the team is amazing and I believe this project can and will make the breakthrough in the DAOs space.

As part of the DAOstack team I’ll be working both on the development of Arc and DAOstack’s smart contracts as well as on research.

I am 17 years old, quit school about 3 years ago, got into crypto 2 years ago, since then studied and worked on multiple aspects of the space.

I’m a smart contract developer for over a year now, using Solidity and also working and contributing to the Vyper language for the past 6 months.”



Stratis Karadakis

Digital marketer, entrepreneur & blogger. Passionate about free thought, free speech and free market. Marketing Manager @ DAOstack.