DAOstack Update: Hacker’s Kit is Live || Introducing Our Bounty Winners from ETHBerlin || Genesis Alpha Update || Introducing our Visual Designer || The First Genesis DAO-Funded Event

Stratis Karadakis
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2018

The DAOstack Hacker’s Kit is Live

Are you ready to start building projects on DAOstack? If so, you’re in luck. We have released the DAOstack Hacker’s Kit, a Github repository that includes detailed instructions on using DAOstack, example DAO projects, and links to documentation and other resources, as well as the Arc smart contracts library, the Arc.js javascript framework, and the Alchemy DApp. You can dive in here.

Hackfury and DebtorDAO Win DAOstack Bounties at ETHBerlin

Nathalia Scherer on stage with the winners.

DAOstack was a proud sponsor of this year’s ETHBerlin, a multi-day hackathon which took place during Berlin’s annual Blockchain Week. DAOstack offered bounties for integrating projects with the DAO stack and selected winners based on their code architecture, use case applicability, and project completeness.

The first winner was the Hackfury team. This project built a new kind of DAO on top of DAOstack, one they call a Decentralized Audit Organization, which is designed to store meta-information for submitted DAO audit reports. Their aim is to provide a truth source for auditor/customer conflict resolution, reputation management for audit providers, and auditor payment solutions. Team member Pavlo Radchuk explained Hackfury’s decision to go with DAOstack:

“My partner Ivan Kotelnikov and I reviewed several DAO frameworks, and we decided to build Hackfury DAO on DAOStack because DAOstack perfectly matched our specifications, had good documentation, helped us make great progress within a short time, and offered a sponsor’s bounty. We succeeded in creating the Hackfury DApp with all the core functions needed for smart contract audit submission and verification, reputation management, etc. We had a great time, and the team is totally satisfied with our results. Thank you DAOStack for your help and support.”

The second winning team was DebtorDAO, who integrated their project with DAOstack as well as the crypto lending platform Dharma. DebtorDAO is a tool for making collective spending and investing decisions using crowdsourced loans, bringing more transparency and accountability to raised funds. Team member Bo Henderson shed more light on their project and their experience with DAOstack:

“Using Dharma to fundraise via a crowdsourced loan is great, but being able to come to a consensus on how this borrowed money is spent in a completely transparent way with DAOstack leverages this capability into a tool that could dramatically cut corruption and unwise spending. We wrote our code with the goal of building something that will be as useful as possible to as many people as possible. DAOstack’s focus on modular and reusable code means that the Dharma integration we worked on could be used by a bunch of different projects, in combinations and use cases that haven’t even occurred to us yet. It also meant we were able to focus on building our bridge between DAOstack and Dharma without needing to build a boilerplate or reinvent any DAO primitives. We’re inspired by DAOstack’s vision and are excited to continue building on their platform!”

Genesis Alpha 2.0 Round Update

You can see the complete history of this round’s proposals here.

The second round of Genesis Alpha is progressing nicely, with a lot of exciting proposals passing and a number of improvements being made to Alchemy. Though Alchemy is still in Alpha stage, its 66 reputation holders have, at the time of writing:

  • created 55 proposals
  • passed 36 proposals
  • allocated 94.53 ETH
  • cast 441 votes
  • staked 5213.442321 GEN to predict for or against proposals

If you’d like to check in on Alchemy’s progress, just visit Alchemy and use Metamask to log in. Some recently passed proposals include a DAO Accountability Task Force, the development of an identity feature inside Alchemy, a Genesis Community Blog, and a tongue-in-cheek initiative to adopt the majestic Suffolk Sheep as the official animal of the Genesis DAO.

The First Genesis DAO-funded Event

DAOstack Architect Matan Field, right, at the How to DAO event in Berlin.

“How to DAO”, the first event to be funded, governed and organized by the passing of a proposal submitted to the Genesis DAO, took place in Berlin during Blockchain Week. The event featured talks on blockchain governance protocols and showcased Alchemy and the Genesis DAO. Thank you to crypto consulting firm Horatii Partners for handling logistics and livestreaming.

Introducing Our New Visual Designer

As the demands for effective and appealing communication grow, so does the DAOstack team. We’re happy to introduce you to our new Visual Designer, Colin Leiker. Here’s what Colin had to say about joining DAOstack:

Colin Leiker, Visual Designer at DAOstack

“I was attracted to this project because I share a similar belief as the rest of the people who make up this team: the world needs to change, and we have to be the ones to do it. As technology continues to grow and weave itself more and more into the everyday fabric of our lives, we will have to reshape our entire perspectives on what it means to work together for a collective goal. This team seems to have the most interesting ideas for how we can do this, so I am more than thrilled to join the project and be a part of this revolution.”

Follow DAOstack on our Twitter, our Medium publication, or any of the other channels you’ll find on our website. You can also message our Pollinators coordinator if you’d like to join our early-adopter community.



Stratis Karadakis

Digital marketer, entrepreneur & blogger. Passionate about free thought, free speech and free market. Marketing Manager @ DAOstack.