Five Great Proposals From Genesis, the First Community DAO

Ezra Weller
Published in
5 min readJan 10, 2019
Join the Genesis community

The Genesis DAO is the first decentralized organization deployed using DAOstack’s governance interface Alchemy and one of the first ever functioning DAOs. Currently in alpha testing, Genesis has ~120 reputation holders and is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet, managing a real budget, and making real decisions. If you’re curious about the day to day activity of such an organization, this article features five proposals recently passed and being executed by the DAO. We hope this grants some insight into Genesis’s collective thought process, which, while nascent, has already produced some exciting results.

1. Holographic Consensus Visualization

This proposal aims to create “a simple intuitive visual explanation” of the Holographic Consensus framework, a core part of DAOstack’s governance approach. Through Holographic Consensus, a small slice of decision-makers is able to effectively represent the interests of the larger group (or DAO). Visualizing the algorithm is an ambitious goal, but the proposal has produced some pretty amazing sketches so far (see below). More information on this proposal’s page.

About the proposer: Dmitry is a civil law attorney who’s spent over 20 years in jurisprudence. He found DAOstack through Primavera De Filippi’s book “Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code.” In the DAOstack community, he has found like minds interested in learning and outreach around decentralized cooperation.

2. How to DAO #2

“How to DAO #2” was a workshop that took place in Berlin prior to the Fall 2018 Web3 summit, with the goals of spreading the word about DAOs and exploring the possibility of governing the Web3 ecosystem with a DAO. It was the second event to be funded by the Genesis DAO, after the first “How to DAO” workshop in September.

We are excited to see the Genesis DAO producing physical events. Events like this help reify the DAO and spread its story in the decentralization movement … and may result in some new DAO members as well!

About the proposers: Cem and Daniel of Horatii Partners have been involved in Genesis Alpha since its inception, and were also the producers of How to DAO workshop. Among their interests are decentralized governance using curved bonding and the possibilities of a DAO incubator in Berlin.

3. Alchemy Explorer Phase 1

This is a proposal to create a basic interface for exploring the Genesis DAO’s data — including proposals, stakes, and votes with their respective wallet addresses — working toward a much more self-informed organization. View the current explorer here.

The DAO needs contextual information to improve its decision-making, and features like the one proposed here improve that information’s accessibility. Greater understanding of which proposals have passed, and by what margins, can help future proposal writers get a sense of what is likely to be accepted by the DAO.

About the proposer: Shivani Henderson is a former engineer at Intel who came to know DAOstack through the EthBerlin hackathon. She is interested in the potential of DAOs to help with corruption, inspired by governance issues in India. She is currently a freelance web3 developer and aspiring social worker. Check out her work on Github or Gitlab.

4. The “Accountability Task Force”

The “ATF” proposal is one of the largest passed by the Genesis DAO so far in terms of budget. It calls for several temporary, compensated positions for community members: two people focused on proposal accountability, proposal recording, and publishing information about the completion progress of passed proposals, and one person focused on defense, researching and simulating various attacks on the DAO.

A mindmap of the Genesis DAO and DAOstack created by the ATF.

This proposal is significant as one of the DAO’s first attempts at achieving accountability and resilience in a decentralized manner. Having passed in September, the original ATF proposal has completed its course, and a new proposal for further funding, after one of the most hotly contested voting periods to date, has recently passed to further develop and specify these roles. Read the original proposal here and the follow up here.

About the proposers: While the original ATF proposal was developed by DAOstack team members Pat Rawson and myself, custody of the project has now been passed to the community members actually filling the roles: longtime DAO members Pedro Parrachia, Daniel Shavit, Francesca Pick, and others.

5. Tutorial Article for Alchemy

This proposal, from DAOstack pollinator Jordan Randolph, was for “a tutorial article on how to use Alchemy and the current use cases of GEN, with a brief overview of DAOstack.” It was quickly passed by the DAO, and within a week or so Jordan had published it to the Ethex Medium feed. We encourage you to check out the first written tutorial funded by the DAO and authored by a community member.

About the proposer: Jordan is a marketer and strategist for decentralized exchange See more of his work on the Ethex Medium publication.

Follow the DAO and Get Involved

We’re encouraged by the quality of proposals thus far and can’t wait to see how the Genesis DAO continues to develop in the coming months. You can find all the current proposals up for voting on Genesis’s page on Alchemy. For those interested in getting more involved with the DAOstack community:

  • Want to join our official early adopter community and participate in the Genesis DAO? Email our Pollinators program coordinator.
  • Part of an organization interested in funding a pilot DAO or building on DAOstack? Connect with us here.
  • Experience Alchemy, DAOstack’s first Dapp, currently live (in alpha) and in use on the Ethereum mainnet.
  • Check out and/or follow the DAOstack Github, or jump into the stack with our friendly Hacker’s Kit.
  • Follow DAOstack on Medium, Twitter, or any of the other channels you’ll find on our website.



Ezra Weller

co-founder of Groupmuse, communicator at DAOstack, M0ZRAT sometimes