All You Have Always Wanted To Know About Our Investment Thesis

Willy Braun
daphni chronicles
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2016

At daphni, because transparency and trust-based relationships matter to us, we have decided to publish a series of articles detailing our investment thesis.

Indeed, daphni is engaged in a continuous move to build the most relevant, respectful & performing digital European Venture Capital firm, and sharing information is one of our favorite methods. This is the reason why we launched daphni chronicles and plan to publish very regularly content related to innovation and startup development in Europe.

As you will see, our investment thesis focuses on people, not only on companies. Besides, companies’ structure are transforming themselves more and more into networks, emphasizing the importance of human and accelerating information flow. This is what we call the platformization of our economies.

Yet, we do not only rely on current and/or prospective economic matters. We also look for societal trends and changes. We believe that eventually, people are driven by usage and desire, more than technology. And these usages are to be considered in a global way. Companies need to launch in several countries as soon as they found their product-market fit.

Even if we invest internationally, our main focus is to spot future European champions. We think European startups can leverage on the emergence of a new framework, driven by what we call the European DNA, to success globally.

We also believe that our world is in constant motion, therefore our thesis is a living vision. And because VC business is not a one-way relationship, we are waiting for your feedbacks and comments.

This is our way.
da team.

Here is our investment thesis:

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Willy Braun
daphni chronicles

Founder galion.exe. Former @revaia. Co-founder @daphnivc. Teacher (innovation & marketing). Author Internet Marketing 2013. I love books, ties and data.