Its Time to Change our Programs.

Mathieu Daix
daphni chronicles
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017

This article has been written by Eric Newton, ‎co-founder of HOME House Of Music & Entertainment and daphnipolitan.

Eric Newton, master of good vibes

Brands and media are part of our daily lives. As the world evolves and people are constantly solicited, brands and media are looking to connect with their audience. Brands and media are subject to the somewhat arbitrary decisions of a consumer, viewer, Internet user who is spoilt for choice, and has no problem choosing. With constant solicitation, the brand or media is penalized and disappears, or in other terms is “zapped”, leaving the public feeling totally indifferent to the products or the programs proposed to them.

How do we continue to surprise and attract our fellow citizens, employees, those that are self-employed, students or those that have retired… what makes them tick?

How can we make them dream? No one can escape this competitive environment. We know that uniquely focusing on the product or brands characteristics is not enough. We know that no excel spreadsheet has ever developed proselytizing, and that formats are no longer the ultimate solution. In short, we understand that ready-made recipes no longer function. Some of the actors of this competitive world, the most enterprising and innovative, become media brands, “entertaining” brands that interest, involve and provoke adhesion. Often media integrate brands into their events or programs so as to be more powerful, more prominent or simply to share their production costs.

For these brands and all those who have the ambition to offer outstanding experiences to their audiences, they must more than ever highlight creation, innovation, ideas, talents. At H.O.M.E, House Of Music & Entertainment, we create, develop entertainment programs, events and content, for brands that need media and media that need brands. We create all the gateways so that those working together can find the best combinations to capture the attention of their current audiences, develop a larger public and provide an emotional experience to their viewers. The world today as we know it promotes agility and cross fertilization and says no to miracle recipes, certainties, ready-made models and standardized formats. So let’s change programs and honor passion, commitment and exchange!

