The Marketing Stack of BlaBlaCar

Willy Braun
daphni chronicles
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2016

Bénédicte Meignan (@bndctmgn), Growth Team Lead @ BlaBlaCar, shares with us the marketing stack of BlaBlaCar.

Discover the marketing stack of BlaBlaCar

Tableau for reports and dashboard
Tableau is allowing every marketing team at BlaBlaCar to access the relevant data for one’s perimeter. Every country can access easily to the data for its zone of activity and therefore monitor its performance locally, based on standardized dashboards and KPIs.
One of the key KPI watched by the growth team is the Customer Acquisition Cost.
Previously, they used excel but it wasn’t a good solution at scale and with teams across different countries.

Google Analytics Premium for in-depth measurements in the customer journey
The standard version of Google Analytics (GA) only gives a sample of the traffic (above a certain level of traffic), so they switched to the Premium version.
The premium version is also providing real-time data. GA is used to get more product insights. They are using the last click attribution model (7 day backwards).

Optimizely for optimizing the conversion funnel
They use Optimzely to optimize their conversion funnel by A/B testing different landing pages (content, layout, call-to-action…).

Adjust for mobile tracking
Adjust is used for the attribution of mobile advertising sources (matching users to campaigns), mobile analytics (including a real-time dashboard and cohort analysis) and store statistics. The onboarding is not that frictionless since you have to integrate your tagging system and every time you are dependent on release of apps in the stores.

Growmobile (formerly Makemereach) for Social Media
BlaBlaCar is mainly using Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for their social media acquisition.
They used to do it directly through the native tools of these 3 platforms but chose to use Growmobile (formerly Makemereach). It makes it easier to program, manage and optimize their marketing campaigns. They also can automate some of the campaigns with triggers (eg: launching acquisition when there is a lack of drivers in a specific journey).
They have developed some custom features above the product, such as a nomenclature tool and a custom dashboard.

Emarsys & Sendgrid for emailing
Most of the CRM tools are built in-house and they used Sendgrid for their email before.
They now used Emarsys on top of Sendgrid because it allows a more granular segmentation, campaigns automation (convert, retain & win back users) and A/B split testing to improve programs.

Slack for internal communication
Real-time messaging, archiving and search. Not sure I need to explain ;)

Confluence for internal Wiki
They gather the most useful infos to build Q&A. It is especially important for sharing best practices between countries. It is the base for their playbook.
It was too hard to find the relevant information across the different storage applications.

Trello and Asana for project management
They are both used within BlablaCar, depending the teams.

Google Apps for calendar, docs & personal email client

Image Relay for pictures & photos
They used to share their pictures & photos for content creation in dropbox but the navigation became too dense. So Image Relay enables to provide fast access and research into the in-house image bank.

Want to discover more marketing stack of digital successes?
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Willy Braun
daphni chronicles

Founder galion.exe. Former @revaia. Co-founder @daphnivc. Teacher (innovation & marketing). Author Internet Marketing 2013. I love books, ties and data.