The Marketing Stack of Le Wagon

Willy Braun
daphni chronicles
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2016


Sébastien Saunier (@ssaunier), CTO of Le Wagon, a major European bootcamp for entrepreneurs to learn coding, both onsite (physical bootcamps) and through online video, their “on demand” program.

Discover the marketing stack of Le Wagon for events
The marketing of LeWagon is driven by their community. To build and nurture their community, they are organizing a lot of events in the 12 cities they opened.
Meetup has two main advantages: (1) you tap into the existing meetup users, since your group is featured to people that joined the relevant hashtags, (2) your community is gathered in one place (you capitalize on the past attendees, unlike more traditional tools such as eventbrite) and the notifications are not lost in other notifications, unlike Facebook events.

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin

The classic social medias. They don’t have a lot of manpower to manage the different accounts so they mainly push photos, news and infos about their programs.

Google Analytics for SEO and traffic Analysis

They are mostly using GA to track their overall traffic and traffic sources.

Mixpanel for user data & insights

Mixpanel help them track events on the site, such as conversions/leads.
The interface is very intuitive and crossing parameters is easy.

Intercom for Presale, Support & CRM

They use intercom for:
1. live chat — the most usual use case is people hesitating to subscribe in bootcamp or to chose the right on-demand track. It generates direct conversion.
2. support — to answer questions from subscribers when they are stuck. (They’ve also put in place a forum for the peer-to-peer questions & answers).
3. CRM — to cross-sell. (If you’ve completed track X, push an email for track Y, 15 days after).

They use Facebook Ads for their On-demand platform (online videos). It works very well to tap into Facebook audience that looks like yours. You just need to upload a spreadsheet of contact and it targets automatically the right people. Google Adwords and Twitter Ads didn’t work for them.

Mailchimp for newsletter

They use two main lists: one for their attendees & alumnis, one for their public newsletter.

Trello for applications management

Every applications are put in a Trello board, one for each batch.
They used to have a Wufoo (online form builder), integrated to Trello through Zappier (integrating apps without coding), but they have now coded a script that automatically put the application into the relevant Trello’s board. Previously they had to create a new Wufoo form for each batch and reconfigure Zappier.

Slack for internal communications

They use it as a global dashboard for all their applications.
They integrated Trello (applications), Stripe (payments), questions posted in their forum, etc.

Front to manage their application email

They don’t have a significant volume that would require using tools such as Zendesk, so they use Front to manage their email

Postmark & Mailgun for transactional emails

They mainly used Postmark for the convenience of use and the ergonomy of the dashboard. They started to use Mailgun, which enables webhooks (external services trigger callbacks, eg: when a candidate open an email, it makes the card move in Trello)

Medium for blogging:

A loving Community
Last but not least, the most powerful and not-so-secret form of marketing Le Wagon benefitted from has been the genuine love and engagement of its 500+ alumni community. Since the early days, their former students have naturally been spreading a positive word-of-mouth that significantly helped in creating awareness needed to grow. “We couldn’t be thankful enough”.

Also great news, Le Wagon is launching in London, apply and spread the news!



Willy Braun
daphni chronicles

Founder galion.exe. Former @revaia. Co-founder @daphnivc. Teacher (innovation & marketing). Author Internet Marketing 2013. I love books, ties and data.