— Sport is More Than A Game and You Are More Than A Fan
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2020


What Is is a dapp to bring fans closer to their clubs, let them vote on club matters and reward them for their participation. It now has over 110K on-chain users and the app is available both in the App Store and Google Play.

They’ve signed with several world-famous football and esport teams. Their official token partners include Juventus, FC Barcelona, Paris Saint-Germain, Atletico de Madrid, Galatasaray, OG, UFC, and will keep expanding.

If you are a fan of football or gaming, Socios is the perfect place for you to play around and make your voice heard by your loving team.

Fan Tokens — Your License to Vote

Fan Tokens are cryptocurrency assets that represent your ownership of a voting right. They allow you to vote in every single poll the club or team publishes on the app and allow you to earn unique club-specific rewards and experiences.

Fan Tokens are fungible, meaning that like other cryptocurrencies. They can be exchanged for other ‘goods’, such as VIP experiences, exclusive merchandise, tickets etc. You can also trade them in the marketplace for profits.

Then how to buy Fan Tokens? Here’s a 2-step guide:

  • Buy the official dapp token Chiliz ($CHZ). $CHZ is TOP 100 tokens in terms of market cap. You can check the price trend and on-chain data now on
  • Go to your club’s page and get the specific Fan Tokens

The amount of Chiliz and Fan Tokens you can buy is determined by which verification level you have reached within the app.

Token Hunt — Free Tokens around You

Want more $CHZ and Fan Tokens? Go hunting free tokens in the street like you hunt Pokemons!

  • Click on “Hunt” in the app and join the Daily Global Hunt.
  • Six question mark icons will generate in your vicinity. The locations of these ‘mystery’ tokens remain fixed for 12 hours. Simply tap on the icons and they will be revealed as either $CHZ Tokens or Fan Tokens.
  • As you approach the Token simply tap on it. The Token will then appear in augmented reality. At this point tap again to add it to your in-app wallet.

Enjoy Sports with Socios, Win $1,000 CHZ

To celebrate being the 1st to list, we’d like to bring you more fun as well as bonus!

Now you have a chance to win in a $1,000 CHZ campaign!



A leading analytics platform for over 5,000 dapps and 2,000 tokens on 22+ blockchains including Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, TRON, EOS, Polygon, Terra, etc.