DAppBoard BI-Weekly December 10

Jules Dourlens


So much is happening and the focus in the media has been about Consensys and its round of layoffs. The market of the whole blockchain is down but as Joe stated “#Blockchain is more than a market. It’s a movement”. We are part of the movement and we are glad to share what we did and what will be doing in the next weeks!

This is our achievements between November 26 to December 8 2018.

🛠 DAppBoard ETL

The data pipeline is responsible for extracting, transforming and storing in a database the blockchain information. It’s the heart of DAppBoard and is still evolving:

  • Documentation: documentation for using it is now available!
  • Token information: We are now scrapping hourly information about ERC20/ERC721 tokens we encounter.
  • Bug fixes: Lot of minor bug fixes for more consistency in our data.

🌐 DAppBoard Web

The web part is everything you see on DAppBoard.com. Its goal is to create an interface for everyone to understand application level activities on-chain.

  • Base of the project: we chose SailJS to power the web platform and started to architecture it with a public facing website and a back office to easily visualize and edit data.
  • Token edition page: to visualize and edit information on tokens we collect.
Token edition page
  • Token statistic dashboard: This is still work in progress but 60% achieved is already. The page contains the listing of all tokens with their activities.

The goals for the next 2 weeks are:

  • Token statistic dashboard: Polishing the dashboard and preparing it for release with a new landing page.
  • Open source token metadata: We want to make our data more accessible and easy to use for anyone and we’ll work on how to daily publish exports of our database of tokens.

DAppBoard is an analytics platform for Ethereum’s smart contracts. We focus on building tools to store, explore and understand data generated by Ethereum. Follow us or get in touch on Twitter!

