Why we don’t put ads on DAppBoard

Jules Dourlens
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2018

The main goal of DAppBoard.com is and will always be to make the blockchain data more transparent for everyone. We are here for the long-term and our mission is driven by the love of decentralization and transparency.

When we thought about getting money to spend more time developing more features to improve our decentralized application analytic tool, the easiest way that came to mind was advertisement. It could be lucrative ($$$) and easy to maintain but did we want to feature Ponzis and causes we don’t believe in for a living?

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

At the beginning of this 3 weeks period of service, we stated that we were open to advertisement but after receiving requests and inquiries we decided to not go this way and here is why.

Our mission is to educate people and make the Ethereum blockchain data a little more transparent. Advertisement of specific decentralized applications is the wrong way to get money and is against our vision!

We don’t want to become the ones who decide which application should get more visibility to our users. We want the visibility to be driven by the data and not money! This is maybe idealistic but we do what we believe in!

We love decentralization and don’t want to get trapped making centralized and opaque choices.

It is also true for which DApps should be added to our platform. At this time we don’t have the resources to add all the awesome applications our users submit and it is really hard for us to filter the applications that deserve to be listed and applications that don’t have enough usage or usership.

We are thinking of ways to facilitate the community deciding in a fair way which applications will be added next. If you have any ideas on how we should do this, let us know in the comments or on the contact page!

To sum this up, with great power comes great responsibility. We are focused on a mission and will do our best to keep DAppBoard an objective platform serving for education and understanding how the Ethereum blockchain is used.

Should you have any questions or advice to improve DAppBoard?
Please get in touch. We would be happy to know how you are currently tracking the data of your smart contract.
Contact us

