A step-by-step walkthrough of a Cheeze Wizards duel

Soon, you’ll be able to experience the magic and power of a duel between Cheeze Wizards. Here’s everything you need to know.

Dapper Labs
Dapper Labs
5 min readAug 26, 2019


A duel between Cheeze Wizards is the only form of combat where participants must both bring wands and arrive unarmed.

When Cheeze Wizard global tournament launches in a few weeks, The Gathering begins. During this first phase of the tournament, players can summon Wizards and form parties.

During the next and second phase of the tournament, The Beat and Greet, players can still summon Wizards and form parties—but now they can duel for power and glory as well.

To participate in the tournament, a player has one of their Wizards battle another player’s Wizard in a one-on-one duel.

What is a Cheeze Wizards’ duel?

A duel is a magical showdown between two Cheeze Wizards. Both risk their power to steal the other’s — but only one dueling Wizard will succeed.

Technically speaking, a duel begins when a Wizard accepts a challenge. (In spirit, most duels begin with Wizards insulting each other in online forums.)

Next, each Wizard selects five spells to cast, one for each of the five rounds of the duel. The locals call this “Forecasting.” The duel takes place once both Wizards forecast their spells.

Each spell makes up a single round of the duel. You win a round by using a spell that beats your opponent’s spell element. To understand how spell elements work, it’s as easy as rock, paper, scissors.

  • Fire beats Wind
  • Wind beats Water
  • Water beats Fire
Every Cheeze Wizards spell is cast from one of the three elements: wind, fire, and water.

After five rounds, the results of the duel are revealed, and the Wizard who won the most rounds is declared the victor!

So how do I duel?

You could try taking off your glove and hitting your neighbor with it.

But to start a Wizard duel, a few things need to be true:

  • Your Wizard is still in the tournament
  • Duels are currently taking place in the tournament
  • Your Wizard is not Ascending

If all of that is true, dueling is a piece of (cheeze)cake:

STEP 1: Challenge a Wizard and wait for them to accept (or accept a Challenge you’ve received).

Step 1: Issue a challenge (or accept one)

STEP 2: Forecast (choose) five spells to cast, in order, for the five rounds.

Step 2: Forecast your spells

STEP 3: Witness your Wizard’s glorious victory, or udder defeat!

Step 3: Brag about your victory, or make excuses for your defeat. Note that image isn’t completely game accurate — the power levels between the two Wizards are too big for it to be a complete victory with 100% power transfer.

You can send out as many Challenges as you’d like, but the first Wizard to accept will enter into the sacred dueling pact.

If a Wizard changes owners, or becomes more powerful than their opponent in the time between challenging and accepting the challenge, the challenge is cancelled.

What do I get when I win a Duel?

In addition to bragging rights, the victorious Wizard takes a slice of power from their opponent, adding it to their own power.

How much power you gain by winning a duel depends on three things:

  • the size of the duel victory,
  • the power difference between the two wizards, and
  • the presence of Blue Mold.

The size of a Wizard’s duel victory is largely determined by how many rounds they win. A little victory, for example, might be winning three rounds and losing the other two. A big victory would be four round wins and one tie. Also, later rounds count a little more than earlier rounds (once the Wizards warm up and really get into the spirit of the duel). If you’re only going to win one round, save the best for last!

Wizards can make their winning round count more by using their affiliated elemental spell. Just be careful, as losing a round when using an affiliated elemental spell make the win count more for your opponent. And this effect can stack:

  1. Let’s say a Fire Wizard is daring enough to use a Fire spell against your Water Wizard in the last round of the duel…
  2. But you and your Water Wizard have correctly forecasted a Water spell in that round…
  3. The damage to their Fire Wizard will be devastating

In this example, the Fire Wizard may have been favoured to win the duel up until the last round, but because of their lust for power, they may have lost it all!

Yet even the weakest Wizards can triumph if they manage to win all five rounds — a flawless victory. (Flawless victors are heartily encouraged to do their best Mortal Kombat announcer impressions.) One such victory just might see a low-level Wizard slice off a big chunk of power from a high-level Wizard. Weirder things — like birth by bovine nipple — have happened.

Just beware the Blue Mold…

In the last phase of the Cheeze Wizards tournament, The Championship, Wizards can no longer be summoned, duels are ongoing, and the Blue Mold appears. As time passes, the Blue Mold climbs up tournament tower.

During the final phase of the Cheeze Wizards Tournament, the Blue Mold grows in power…

As the Blue Mold rises, it sets the minimum power level required for a Wizard to remain in the Tournament. If your Wizard’s power level drops below the Blue Mold threshold as the result of losing a duel, the victorious opposing Wizard will absorb all of your Wizard’s power.

Even Wizards not engaged in duels run the risk of being overtaken by the Blue Mold. And the fate is terrible: overtaken Wizards will have their power pasteurized. Eliminated. You’re out of the Tournament. Yowzers.

Are you ready to d-d-d-d-duel!?

The Cheeze Wizards Tournament begins in a few weeks. Signing up takes seconds, you’ll be the first to know when you can summon Wizards, form parties, and duel!

> Don’t miss your chance to duel for glory, power, and whole lot of cheddar!



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