Cheeze Wizards Battle Royal for Ethereum: Official Cheeze Paper

Cheeze Wizards are said to descend from dragon’s milk. A dragon with udders may sound absurd but so does a race of sentient, magic-wielding cheese…

Cheeze Wizards 🧀
Dapper Labs
8 min readOct 26, 2019


The world of Cheeze Wizards balances on the four teats of a giant cow’s udder. That’s why it’s common practice to follow up “Holy Cow!” with “Amen.”

The Cheeze Wizards tournament in turn carries the proud tradition of using magical forces beyond mortal understanding to settle petty disagreements.

When a Wizard is summoned, they enter into an ancient pact known as a “smart contract”: the Wizard gets a chance to compete for glory and title, and the summoning player gets all their winnings for the rest of the Wizard’s unending life.

Seems fair, right?

Cheeze Wizards explores several new dimensions in blockchain gaming: NFTs with consumable value, on-chain player-vs-player (PvP), composability from on-chain gameplay, and the role of NFTs in-game governance or as part of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

Cheeze Wizards’ game logic is entirely on-chain, meaning the dapp is a proof-point for composability on Ethereum today.

To learn more, read the Cheeze Wizards Cheeze Paper:

May the Cheeze be ever in your favor

Cheeze Paper Highlights

NFTs with Consumable Value (Power)

Every Cheeze Wizard is an NFT. That means Wizards you summon are yours forever.

Many blockchain games use some level of scarcity to create value for NFTs. When designing Cheeze Wizards, we looked to find a way to embed functional, transferable value for NFTs outside of scarcity, aesthetics, or in-game stats.

The answer was Power. Every Cheeze Wizard summoned during a tournament starts with Power directly proportional to its original sale price.

A Wizard’s Power is entirely on-chain, as is every Wizard battle: that means when two Wizards duel with one another, Power is securely transferred between the two NFTs based on the results of the on-chain computation of the duel.

Third party developers have already created decentralized exchanges and marketplaces for players to exchange Power without trading their Wizard NFTs.

The key thing to remember is that Cheeze Wizards don’t die if they lose duels and deplete all their power — they just get tired and have to drop out of the Tournament. As NFTs, Wizards can be used in future gameplay as well as third-party applications.

On-chain Player-versus-Player competition

With Cheeze Wizards, we wanted to play around with different ways to build engaged communities: full, on-chain PvP.

Predictably, this comes with major UX- and game design implications:

  • Encrypting Wizard spells: Before the reveal, the backend/chain is only ever given a commitment hash that comes from a random salt and the moves. We store the moves and the salt in the browser. Revealing sends the moves and the salt to the backend/chain, which then produces the same commitment hash verifying the moves are correct. This requires extra actions from the player.
  • Duel timeouts and secure off-chain challenges: Only after both A and B have registered their encrypted moves should they reveal: this introduces the concept of wizards being “locked” in a fight. This notion of locking into a fight, without a “referee,” would allow for much abuse from bad actors. We are now forced to timeout fights in a clear and simple way. As a result, we came up with an elegant solution: player A can challenge player B off-chain with a short timeout; player B would then have to pick and submit their moves when accepting a challenge. At that point, player A has a limited time to respond by picking their moves, at which time everything gets pushed on-chain and the result of the duel is computed.
  • Duel windows: In any PvP game, match-making is important: given current scalability and usability challenges, we knew we had to optimize Cheeze Wizards for a small number of highly engaged players. The default Cheeze Wizards Tournament uses dueling windows that are approximately 3 hours long and occur approximately three times per day. This way, an entire Cheeze Wizards duel can happen in a few minutes. Specific block numbers will always be posted on
  • Blue Mold: The Blue Mold logic is on the smart contract: once started, it can’t be stopped. In the inaugural Tournament, the Blue Mold remains dormant at very low power (1 power) until activated during the Championship phase, after which it grows in power with every duel window. Any Wizard who falls below the power of the Blue Mold will immediately lose their Power and get knocked out of the Tournament.
  • Wizard ascension: After the Blue Mold is activated in the Tournament, a special Ascension Window opens up before every Duel Window. Wizards at risk from the Blue Mold are eligible to enter Ascension, giving them a chance to double or even triple their Power. But if your Wizard loses, they’re kicked out of the Tournament. Finito.

For more about Blue Mold and Wizard Ascension:

Collectibility of Cheeze Wizards

The collectibility of a Cheeze Wizard is influenced by its intrinsic unique properties, as well as the actions of its owner. Learnings from CryptoKitties encouraged us to productize emergent behavior and design the token and tournament contracts in a way that allows users to directly influence the collectibility of their assets.

A Cheeze Wizard’s traits are unique properties that make up the visual appearance of a Wizard. Traits are generated off-chain for player-summoned Wizards with rarities as low as 0.007%. Once the traits have been determined, they are used to generate Wizard art before being added to the token metadata.

Exclusive Wizards like Mold Magicians and the Supreme Seven are minted by UFE and possess traits that cannot be generated by players.

The Cheeze Wizard token contains the following immutable properties:

  • ID: Unique ID numbers are issued as new Wizards are summoned, which makes it impossible for UFE to fore-mint novelty editioned Wizards.
  • Innate power level: A record of the initial summoning price of a Wizard.
  • Affinity: The elemental affinity of a Wizard.
  • Metadata: A 256-bit string storing key Wizard attributes. Metadata can only be set once at creation of the NFT and will be locked forever thereafter.

Cheeze Wizards provenance and history: While a Cheeze Wizard can only be summoned in official tournaments, they are NFTs and remain in players’ wallets for use in future experiences. A Wizard’s provenance, accomplishments, and ownership history is permanently recorded on the blockchain as long as the action that led to it was processed on-chain.

Examples of accomplishments:

  • Winning the Big Cheeze
  • Knocking out a big wig!
  • Being part of a winning Party

Cosmetic rarities

Cheeze Wizards have different rarities–common, uncommon, rare, and Legendairy– for cosmetic categories like hats, wands and even colour. The chance of obtaining a rare cosmetic is directly affected by the summoning price for all rarities except Legendairy. Legendairy cosmetics like the Dragon Wand are capped at 5% regardless of the summoning price of the Wizard.

All Neutral Wizards have the same probability of obtaining a rare cosmetic.

hypothetical power (cost) / rarity matrix

Special Edition Wizards

Just like humans, most Cheeze Wizards are somewhere on the spectrum between good and evil. Not so with the Sorcerers or the Mold Magicians: in the world of Cheeze Wizards, these special Wizards represent the two extremes. That said, both are extremely powerful, morally dubious, and udderly idiotic.

The four Normal Wizard types (Fire, Water, Wind, and Normal) are sold for a limited time in every Tournament directly from the smart contract. Their eventual scarcity is determined by the number of summonings during this period.

Special Edition Wizards, on the other hand, have pre-announced limitations in terms of scarcity. In the inaugural Tournament, the following Special Edition Wizards will be minted and distributed:

  • Supreme Sorcerer: 1
  • Mold God (Moldemort): 1
  • Sorcerer Seven: 7
  • Mold Magicians: Mold Master (7), Mold Edgelord (9), Mold Apprentice (12), Mold Fun Guys (15), Mold Groupies (80), Mold Followers (42)
  • Founder Wizards: IDs #2 to#100

Mold God and the Mold Magicians

Mold Gods are the result of lactic build-up that burst out of the Holy Cow’s lesser-known extra nipple. Mold Gods are considered evil — or at least inconsiderate.

We say Mold Gods, but really the only one in existence today is Moldemort. Standard Wizards that were stuck behind Moldemort curdled and became Mold Magicians, conspiring with their new leader to build a world full of stinky cheese.

Moldemort has been lost for millenia, but the Mold Magicians’ Q4 OKR is to bring him back. Mold Magicians believe that if they’re all gathered in one place, Moldemort will appear. Due to scheduling conflicts, this belief has remained untested for a thousand years.

The Sorcerers

The Supreme Sourcer

Sorcerers are a force of pure good in the Cheeze Wizards universe, the mirror image of Moldemort and the Mold Magicians. Only eight Sorcerers exist: The Supreme Sorcerer and his seven disciples. The Supreme Sorcerer is (supposedly) the most righteous and powerful Wizard in the world.

The Founders

Up to no good

Founder Wizards are the first Wizards summoned to Earth from the world of Cheeze Wizards. They are well-aged and apolitical, earning them an extra degree of crusty respect in the Cheeze Wizards community.

What’s next?

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Cheeze Wizards 🧀
Dapper Labs

Cheeze Wizards is the world's first blockchain battle royale with cheese.