Play Cheeze Wizards with your friends and win extra ETH by forming Cheeze Parties

Cheeze Parties are the best way for you and your friends to share in the fun, should one of you be skillful enough to win the Big Cheeze.

Dapper Labs
Dapper Labs
6 min readOct 10, 2019


Update: Parties are live on

Wizards can only join Parties until Ethereum hits block #8787884, which should be about ~Nov2. After that, the only way to join a Cheeze Party will be to buy a Wizard that is already a member.

The Wizard becomes the membership key

Now that’s NFTy! 🧙‍♂️

You’ve been asking since the day Cheeze Wizards was announced: “Will my Wizards be able to join parties?”

Gouda news: We heard you, and we agree. We think (cheeze) parties are the easiest way for people to band together strategies, share resources, and shred the competition.

So, we designed a party system — but we didn’t stop there. We also thought that there should be a sweet Party Prize. “A prize?!” you gasp. Indeed! Find the answer to that and more of your questions below.

Why are parties important?

Parties in Cheeze Wizards enable players to support one another during the Tournament phase. By joining parties or creating new ones, you can increase your overall chances of winning the Big Cheeze.

The alternative is dueling alone, perhaps while sadly listening to Bonnie Tyler’s “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”

What are parties?

  • Parties masquerade as clans, guilds, or teams in other games
  • Parties allow you to form alliances and teams with your friends
  • Parties increase your chances of winning an additional prize if someone in your party wins the Big Cheeze

When can I form or join parties?

The Cheeze Wizards Tournament has three different phases. You can only form or join a party during the first two phases: The Gathering and The Beat and Greet.

Once the Championship phase begins, you can no longer form or join parties.

What do I need to know about creating or joining a party?

  • You can create as many parties as you’d like
  • You can enroll as many Wizards into as many parties as you like
  • Each of your Wizards can belong to a different party (but each individual Wizard can only belong to one party, not multiple parties)
  • Once added, Wizards can’t leave parties (it’s a magical manners thing)
  • Each party has a Lead Wizard, who remains attached to the party throughout the duration of the entire Tournament
  • The player who owns the Lead Wizard is the Party Leader.
  • Your cut of the Party Prize is based on the total power of the Wizards you’ve contributed to the party

What is a Party Leader?

The Party Leader is the player who owns the party’s Lead Wizard.

The Party Leader has special administrative permissions to close, open, and lock (i.e., prevent additional Wizards from joining) the party. The only way to transfer that permission is to sell, trade, or gift the Lead Wizard to another wallet address or player.

How do I determine my cut of the Party Prize?

Your cut of the Party Prize is based on the total power of Wizards you’ve contributed to the party. For example, let’s say you own eight Wizards, and that you’ve enrolled four of them in Party I and four of them in Party II. The total party power is at 10,000 for Party II, so if your four Wizards make up 5,000 power, that means you would get a 50% cut of the Party Prize.

Whoever is crowned the Big Cheeze is no longer eligible for a cut of the Party Prize. Instead, their share is redistributed to the other party members.

How do I know if my Wizard can join a party?

If a Wizard has lost more than 50% of its original power, it won’t be able to join a party. Wizards lose their power by losing duels. Other than that, all Wizards above 50% of their original power can join parties (provided they meet that party’s power requirements).

Pro tip: Enroll your Wizards in parties as soon as you summon them! This way, they’re at full power and are guaranteed to be able to join a party. Once your Wizard loses a duel and half of their original power, they may never be able to join a party.

How big should my party be?

We suggest that every party should have 5+ players with a minimum of 1 Wizard per player. Any fewer, and your party might not have enough power to win the Tournament, but too many Wizards also reduces each party member’s cut of the Party Prize. It’s all about strategy, baby.

How do I win the Party Prize?

If a member of your party is crowned the Big Cheeze and wins the entire Tournament, the other members of the party collect the spoils of the Party Prize. For those interested, here’s how the Party Prize breaks down.

The distribution of the Party Prize depends on the total power they’ve contributed. We’ve made a handy diagram to help you with the math:

Here’s what a typical party might look like. It has more than 5 players, meaning they are eligible for the maximum Party Prize. The total party power is over 10,000, which means a higher chance of winning the Big Cheeze.

The only way to win the Party Prize is if someone within your party wins the Big Cheeze. Remember that the distribution of the Party Prize is based on the total power of wizards you’ve contributed to the party. So, in this diagram Player 3 has contributed 2000 power and owns a 20% cut in this party. When one of Player 3’s Wizards wins the Big Cheeze, they are no longer eligible for their 20% cut in the party prize — instead it is redistributed to the other party members. That way the winnings are shared fairly.

It’s almost party time…

Don’t miss your invite to the party-making party! Join the Cheeze Wizards Discord and follow us on Twitter to keep up-to-date on all the latest cheezy gossip and Tournament news.

> Sign up to party down with Cheeze Wizards!



Dapper Labs
Dapper Labs

The serious business of fun and games on the blockchain