Revolutionizing Web3 Marketing: a first look at Dappfuse

Ian Brillembourg
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2024

We at Dappfuse are proud to introduce a groundbreaking platform specifically designed for Web3 marketing. Dappfuse stands as the first user-friendly on-chain data platform that seamlessly integrates your existing marketing stack with various blockchain networks.

Bridging Traditional Marketing with Blockchain

The advent of blockchain technology has opened up a realm of possibilities, but the integration of this new tech with traditional marketing tools has been a challenge. Dappfuse addresses this gap. It offers a unique solution that lets marketers connect their current tools with blockchain, without the steep learning curve typically associated with blockchain technologies.

Use Case: Enhancing Customer Loyalty Programs

Imagine a retail brand looking to enhance its customer loyalty program. With Dappfuse, they can integrate their existing CRM systems directly with a blockchain network. This integration allows for transparent and immutable recording of customer transactions and loyalty points. Customers can redeem these points securely and effortlessly, thanks to the blockchain’s inherent security features. This not only enhances the customer experience but also elevates the brand’s reliability and trustworthiness in the eyes of their customers.

The Future is Here

Dappfuse is not just a platform; it’s a catalyst for change. It empowers marketers and businesses to harness the potential of on-chain data to deliver targeted experiences for their customers.

Explore more about how Dappfuse is revolutionizing Web3 marketing in our introductory video



Ian Brillembourg

Great products, fun games, and crunchy data. Cofounder of Dappfuse, the world's first on-chain data platform for marketers.