Web3 Is Reshaping Marketing: Is Your Tech Stack Ready to Keep Up?

Nicolas Lierman
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2023

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the rise of web3 is not just an emerging trend — it’s a paradigm shift with the potential to rewrite the rules of digital marketing as we know them. As blockchain-based experiences such as blockchain gaming, metaverse engagements, and NFT trading gain momentum, the traditional marketing technology stack is facing an unprecedented challenge: adapt or become obsolete.

For years, the marketing world has honed its skills, crafting powerful tools designed to mine user data from the centralized social media, applications, and the wider web. These systems are adept at tracking clicks, views, and engagement across web2 digital touchpoints, capturing behavioral user data that marketers can leverage for targeted campaigns and strategic outreach.

But as we step into the web3 era, the core of user interaction is shifting. On-chain activities — transparent yet not readily accessible or understandable by traditional marketing systems — are becoming the new playgrounds for engagement. With every smart contract interaction or metaverse transaction, valuable customer data slips through the cracks of legacy marketing infrastructures.

What happens when a portion of the user journey unfolds in this new domain, untraceable by the tried-and-true analytics of yesterday? The repercussions are significant: incomplete analytics, lost conversion opportunities, suboptimal targeting, and a disconnect from emerging customer channels. The once all-seeing eye of digital marketing is in danger of becoming myopic.

Faced with these challenges, the solution isn’t to discard the web2 stack that still serves a valuable purpose. Instead, a bridge is needed — one that connects the robust data of established digital ecosystems with the dynamic, decentralized world of web3.

Enter Dappfuse, a pioneering on-chain data platform engineered for marketers entrenched in the web2 world yet eager to embrace the web3 revolution. Dappfuse doesn’t ask you to replace your existing marketing stack; it expands its reach. It ensures that as your customers venture into decentralized platforms, your marketing strategies can follow, seamlessly integrating with your current setup while inviting in a wealth of on-chain data.

With Dappfuse, the on-chain data that once slipped past marketers becomes a treasure trove of knowledge. Imagine harnessing the full scope of user interactions — from Ethereum to Base, from DeFi protocols to NFT exchanges — and melding them with the rich behavioral data you already collect. This is not just evolution; it’s a marketing renaissance.

The future of digital marketing won’t be solely centralized or decentralized — it will be hybrid. Success will belong to those who can navigate these domains, who have the tools and acumen to harvest the full spectrum of user data. Dappfuse is poised at the forefront, offering a bridge to marketers looking to span the divide between web2 familiarity and web3 innovation.

As we stand at the crossroads of a new digital dawn, the question for marketers and technologists alike is clear: Will your tech stack withstand the seismic shift of web3, or will it crumble under the weight of progress? With Dappfuse, the path forward is not only clear but also bright with possibility. The fuse is lit — are you ready for the explosion of growth that web3 promises?

If you are curious about the best ways to connect your marketing stack with Web3, feel free to reach out to us at contact@dappfuse.com with your questions, or to schedule a chat.



Nicolas Lierman
Editor for

Marketing Technologist · Dappfuse Co-Founder · Multiminds Head of Innovation · Hogent Lecturer