Deploying $DOWN pt.1
I think it’s safe to assume that if you’re reading this newsletter, you’ve seen or heard me mention $DOWN, my new ‘social token’ at least once or twice. If not; there will be links at the end of this post for more information.
The initial allocations as expressed in the technical whitepaper and previous announcements will be getting a minor adjustment; based on the direct-to-dex launch of the token that this post will explain; but the changes will be in favor of the community, not in favor of myself or advisors/partners.
Launching $DOWN
Maybe no one else will appreciate the irony in the way that I do; but it’s almost poetic that $DOWN launches into a market that’s universally down; meaning realistically the only way it has to go is up. While launching into a bear market was neither planned or necessarily intentional; I think it provides some unique benefits. The first; and potentially the most significant, is that it caused me to reconsider the planned IDO launch. With most IDO’s, even those with vested token releases, it draws participants who have no real interest in the token or the project beyond the discounted rate at which they can acquire it, and then arbitrage the profit once the token is listed. Another advantage, as mentioned above, is that with the majority of all tokens currently valued below what most participants in the space agree…