Introducing- DappGoose Labs


DappGoose Labs DAO
4 min readMay 24, 2022


To tell the story of DappGoose Labs (soon to be rebranded to DappGoose Labz), we have to start at the story of The Goose Nest.

When I made my start in the NFT space, it was the end of 2019, Covid hadn’t ruined everyones lives, and the NFT industry wasn’t an industry so much as it was a handful of futurists, gamers, whales, and of course, artists; all genuine believers in the potential for NFTs to change the world.

The community was really what drew me in personally; but that’s beside the point. At that time (much the same as now, just at a smaller scale) the best methods of communication we had were twitter and discord; which were already easy places to miss things 2 years ago. Based on that frustration, with the other primary factor being that there was, and is, a lot of cool NFT projects that get little to no love simply because of inopportune timing or less-than-stellar marketing. It wasn’t long before I realized that instead of using the web hosting I was already paying for (dropshipping prior to NFTs) simply to host my portfolio, and since I’d just spent the previous month learning web design and such; I felt like the above mentioned features would’ve been relatively simple. They were really, once I’d found a way to do the registry in the format I’d wanted, and certainly would’ve been faster had I had the benefit of extra people or external funding. But that’s again, beside the point. NFThub (formerly the Goose Nest) was put on hold in the summer of 2020 to focus on Nifty Pride, then planned simply to be a Pride Parade in the metaverse since the world was shut down.

The reason it caused NFThub to be put on hold was that it was met with so much support that it would’ve seemed a disservice to all those onvolved if we were to simply pack it in for year. So the Nifty Pride Parade became the Nifty Pride Foundation, and required my focus for a time.

To return to the topic that required the context; before we get sidetracked into a couple of other projects we’re involved in or building as well; DappGoose Labs is being established to serve as a “parent company” to oversee and provide unified brand recognition to the previously mentioned, and a couple of other projects. In addition to performing in the sense of a “metaDAO”, DappGoose Labs will also be incorporated as an LLC DAO, which will enable us to remain regulation-compliant, establish proper payroll/bookkeeping, and avoid any tax issues for ourselves, our community, and for all holders of $DOWN (another project).

At its core, the DappGoose Labs DAO is “officially” an R&D studio, focused on Web 3.0 and associated technologies. But it’s more than that, it’s a community, a team of seasoned and competitive crypto and NFT degens, and most importantly, it’s an ethos. A community in which membership is based on your own initiative, not on the amount of money you can spend on a jpeg, a team that means everyone, not just those of us building it now, and an ethos of ‘let’s make this space easier to traverse, and have a good time in the process’; which we think is well-reflected in our official mission statement of:

“We like to do cool shit.”

For most of the early (2020 and sooner) cryptoartists and NFT collectors/creators weren’t here because of eye-popping numbers and mainstream news stories on the ‘digital real-estate gold rush’. (no shade frens.) We were here because it’s at the bleeding edge. It’s new and scarcely understood; and that’s where we thrive. And that’s where you’ll certainly find many an opportunity to do cool shit.

The plan, as it was explained to me, is to focus on doing things that we enjoy, and that benefit the space as a whole. It’s for that reason that the DappGoose Labs DAO’s stated focus in R&D. We’re already working on a few projects and maintaining 3 that currently exist (not exceptionally, the NFT community’s size grew 100000x in a matter of months, things have been a little crazy), and we’re already doing plenty of research; so it seems logical to publish most or all of it, and begin establishing a knowledgebase for crypto topics to be made available publicly; and for free.

The projects mentioned above are our earliest; with some others being the $DOWN social token experiment, Club 90nine, NFT MIA, and Skull Soup.

$DOWN — An innovative social tokenomics format in which the tokens’ value is underpinned by a fractionalized NFT that functions as a multicoin wallet; allowing assets to be deposited while the NFT is locked inside the token deployment contract, but preventing any withdrawals or other direct interactions.

Club 90nine- The first-ever, and undeniably the most exclusive NFT-reliant club membership in Web 3.0; with plans to establish event venues throughout the Metaverse.

NFT MIA — Miami’s premier annual NFT celebration and conference, held in South Beach just before the start of Art Basel.

Skull Soup — The world’s first all CryptoSkull band.



DappGoose Labs DAO

Discovered NFTs at the end of 2019; which caused my entry to crypto. Day one, I went all in. Day two started 72 straight research hours. I’ve never looked back.