Freedom of Creation

Juliet Oberding
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2019

This is the second in the series about my development of Dappity. In the first post, I wrote about my desire to create my own app and why. In this post, I write about early stage design and vision.

Dappity Sketch 2

It is truly inspiring to have control over how the product turns out. I have done storyboards illustrating the users journey with some basic features suggested but being able to lay out the design based on my insights is pure freedom.

My vision is for a product that is friendly, shareable while being simple and respecting individual privacy. I hate products that require tons of documentation and videos to figure out basic daily functions. My life is busy and complex. I don’t need that from my apps. There just isn’t enough time in my day for a steep learning curve that falls outside of my business. Being a founder is hard enough, I don’t need difficult apps. I’m pretty sure I am not alone in this feeling.

One of my mentors favorite words is “intuitive”. As I learn to design and develop apps, I have a better understanding and appreciation for his use of that word as applied to software. Let’s be clear, I am toddler when it comes to coding with my mentor teaching, guiding and doing most of the heavy lifting. As a human, I have an internal database of symbols and stories to draw upon in the creative process. These tools can be called upon to guide and create an intuitive result. At least I hope so. 😉

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