Be The Cloud with Storj and DAppNode

Pol Lanski
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2019

If you have been following DAppNode for a while, you will know we aim to be the decentralized infrastructure layer for a better, self-sovereign, unstoppable new internet. We aim to incentivize and make it extremely simple to decentralize this infrastructure layer down to the actual hardware, the machines that host the entire system, because what good is it to build all these decentralized systems on top of the same five cloud providers’ servers?

We want to break down the cloud cartel by providing a decentralized network of servers, your DAppNodes, that choose which DApps or decentralized networks they want to support and get paid for it! Imagine the big server farms where most of the internet is hosted distributed into people’s homes, and everyone getting a share of the revenue they provide.

Today we are moving one step closer to this vision.

We have partnered with Storj Labs so every DAppNode can start offering their unused hard drive space to a truly decentralized cloud storage solution and get paid for it.

Storj Labs set out to decentralize cloud storage back in 2014 and they have been working relentlessly to offer the same level of service as current cloud providers but leveraging its decentralized network of Storage Node Operators who share their excess hard drive capacity in exchange for STORJ token. This means ensuring that the data is highly available, encrypted, and resilient/redundant.

In order to offer such guarantees to users of its cloud storage service (named Tardigrade), they need to count on solid tech, but also on a solid base of Node Operators that can offer their spare disk space and bandwidth for Tardigrade to use! Now if you have spare disk space and decent bandwidth on your internet connection, you can participate in the Storj network with just a few clicks.

Let’s get started

Your Storj package should already be in the installer. Just click on “install” and you’ll be taken to a “Getting Started” page that will look very similar to the one below (the one you will find might not look the same as we will be tweaking the process to make it even easier).

In order to support this integration, we have added a functionality in DAppNode that allows the user to select which disk they want to store the content of the package, so users can increase the amount of space they want to offer by plugging an external hard drive to the DAppNode. That said, this functionality can also be used to store other space-intensive packages — like entire chains — externally and offload the main unit.

How much can I earn?

Storj has its own calculator to estimate how much you can earn by sharing your space. It will depend on how much available storage you have, how fast is your internet connection is, how much bandwidth you are able to provide, and the overall utilization of the Storj network, which does not depend on you. We recommend trying a few values on that last one to make sure you have different earning projections.

Another fair warning is that the traffic of your network will skyrocket! It is EXTREMELY recommended that you have an unlimited plan or you could end up incurring in hefty charges by your internet provider.

Also, in order to incentivize Node Operators to keep their nodes up and running reliably — and for Storj Labs to make sure all the data it stores on your hard drive is migrated to another node if you decide to exit the service — there is a mechanism that withholds a portion of the payments for the first 9 months. As per their own explanation:

“During the first 9 months of a node’s operation, a percentage of storage node earnings are held by Storj. The held amounts are reduced as the duration of time on the network increases. At 15 months, 50% of the balance is returned to the storage node operator, while the remainder is held indefinitely.

When the Storage Node Operator performs a graceful exit, the funds will be returned upon exit completion. If the Storage Node Operator exits abruptly (without completing the graceful exit), the funds will be forfeited to offset the cost of data repair caused by the abrupt exit.”

YOU are the future of infrastructure

Storj is spearheading the decentralization revolution. In a not-so-distant-future, you will have the choice of running nodes for many projects, that just like Storj, will allow any individual to participate in the crypto-networks that will disrupt how the internet works.

The cloud storage market is worth 80+Bn USD, but there are only a handful of players capturing all the value. With tools like Storj and DAppNode, people can coordinate to offer a powerful service that can compete with the tremendous amount of CAPEX centralized players have disbursed. And not only this, but the decentralized and encrypted nature of the data will protect the users’ interests and information, allowing them to retain sovereignty on what belongs to them.

Be a part of it. Be the cloud. Be a Nodler.

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Pol Lanski

Passionate about a better world and technology. #DAppNode #Blockchain4Good