DAppNode loves #Bufficorns #ETHDenverImpact

2 min readFeb 5, 2019


The biggest ETH #BUIDLATHON is excitingly near, and from DAppNode we want to #contribute to the #buidling experience. Just think what #buidlers can do in just #36HRS. @exploreweb3 @discoverweb3 @web3traveler @ethereumdenver

We want all #Bufficorns to chill, enjoy, and get the most out of their hacking time.

Forget about maintaining a mainnet / testnet and IPFS node, no need to struggle with the process of deploying a DApp or even hosting an excellent .eth site.

Maybe you need to interact with the Status mail server, have a Swarm node, or run your DAppNode packages ??

Just prepare DAppNode in advance , connect to it from the built-in VPN and #buidl, #buidl, & #buidl for #36hrs…

If you still do not know what DAppNode is, have a look at this short but meaningful video.

Just grab the code in our Github and install it… That’s it, you are contributing to real decentralization and protecting your privacy.

And now that you have your DAppNode up and running, these links will be useful for you to buidl with it.

Nodes always up!!

You guessed right, it’s not only getting rid of any node issues for you and your team, but it’s also a powerful #buidling tool.

DAppNode is an open source project from the community for the community, so we are glad to be useful and happy to offer any support you might need to install /use a DAppNode before, during and after the #BUIDLATHON.

We can´t wait to see the amazing solutions that will become a reality during ETHDenver 2019.

We will be active in the official ETHDenver status channel and you can always find us in our Telegram and Riot channels and of course our Github

Happy Buidling Dear #Bufficorns!!!

Find us all over the interwebz:




DAppNode is empowering people by creating a simple, transparent system for hosting P2P clients for DApps, Cryptocurrencies, VPNs, IFPS and more…