DAppNode’s new feature is… a proper community!

Hot Damn. The community has been growing so quick lately! We are stoked!

Pol Lanski
3 min readMay 21, 2020


DAppNode exists to make people’s lives easier. To topple down the barriers to being sovereign with your data, with your access to nodes, to eliminate the gatekeepers and empower you with your own web3 hub. And it’s catching on.

Sounds about right.

Up until now, communication with the community was mainly through a Riot/Telegram bridged channel — a great communication tool for quick questions, spontaneous conversations and casual chats. But as our community grows, more questions are left unanswered in the channel as chat applications are not designed to go back to certain threads and reply thoughtfully.

The experience can get particularly frustrating when it comes to support, as many users might have the same question but have no way to find out if it has been raised and addressed before!

But what we feel is the most important, is the fact that a chat channel is not the right platform to capture the suggestions and initiatives that come from the community, and certainly it doesn’t feel like the proper space to throw an idea that could spark engaging and constructive debate because it would get interrupted by many unrelated threads that might be going on at the same time. We want to be able to discuss people’s ideas and build something with our users!

Hence, we have decided to better address these issues by creating 2 new channels:

  1. A Forum: for better asynchronous communication, knowledge base and support. Ask anything here.
  2. A periodic Community call: to share initiatives, discuss the future path, hear the community out, do quick synchronous workshops and tutorials and… whatever the community wants! Get in this thread to set the date and agenda of the 1st meeting

That will join the existing channels:

  1. Riot/Telegram channel: Which will still exist for informal chat, banter, quick questions and generally the fastest way to contact the team.
  2. Newsletter: Still the best 3-minutes, no-bullshit, straightforward way to keep up to date with everything DAppNode-related. Subscribe here!

I’m super excited to finally be able to follow up on topics that until now got buried under new arriving messages, or to engage in a different way and see how people are using their DAppNodes, or on what Hardware they’re running them. Check out this thread, inspired by Ligi and Nodar, where we hope you guys will show us good DAppNode rigs! (Did you know Nodar plugged 5 GPUs and is mining with his DAppNode?)

And, well, we hardly need to remember YOU about it, but… the community IS you. So join us in our first community call, and let us know what you want to talk about.

  • Would you like a walk-through to set up alerts for your ETH2.0 validator on Telegram?
  • Would you like to know how to use your own Monero node for ultra-private transactions?
  • Would you like to use DAppNode + IPFS shipyard to deploy webs to IPFS in 2 minutes with CLI? (@triplespeeder)
  • Would you like to buidl something?
  • Do you need a particular package?
  • Or just pitch your wild idea for the future of DAppNode!

Our ears, eyes and hearts are open. DAppNode wouldn’t exist without you. Make it count.


Find the community here:



Pol Lanski

Passionate about a better world and technology. #DAppNode #Blockchain4Good