Gitcoin Grants Round 7 Recap

Pol Lanski
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2020

The results of round 7 are now final.

In total we got contributions from 217 people, which amounted to a matching contribution of 22,089 DAI.

This is amazing.

One of the reasons why we got such a high amount is because this time the grants were separated in different pools: for media, for dapps, for infrastructure… we belonged to the infrastructure category and hence we had a specific pool to draw from, instead of competing with super well known grants like Week In Ethereum, Bankless or even eth2 implementer groups.

How will we spend it?

This money will be used to reignite the champions project and to keep supporting our eth2 efforts.

Specifically, the champions project will allow any of you to find a developer or to put a bounty on Gitcoin grants to develop and maintain a DAppNode Package. The logic is that the core team cannot possibly maintain all packages the community is interested in, so we will be experimenting with paying the community to do the legwork.

Secondly, we will grow the team to better innovate, test and battle-proof DAppNode for validation — initially in eth2, but potentially to other PoS networks that might arise.

Now this amount of money is not enough to maintain a person for any meaningful period of time, but we will complement this with own funds so we can create a better product.

Panvala — from the community to the community

Last but not least, there was a lot of you who donated in PAN. Panvala is a project that aims to subsidize communities that produce some sort of public good and that people would like to donate to. The utilization of the funds received in PAN will have a specific application, as detailed in the Gitcoin Grant, and summarized below:

For PAN donations, our first goal of 3,500$ in PAN will be directed towards a community treasury to reward the best contributions. This community treasury will be based on Sourcecred and will be kickstarted with the money received from this grant round.

The donations will be used as the seed funds to distribute among the most active/helpful/impactful members of the community, who later can decide to stake this PAN into our Panvala community to increase future PAN matching (and generate a virtuous circle), donate PAN to DAppNode or other projects in the next round or cash out by selling it. The second goal, above 3500, will go to support the champions initiative mentioned above.

Overall, we are amazed and humbled by your support, and I am personally overcome with a warm and fuzzy feeling when seeing that what we are building helps people, that you guys are using it, enjoying it and vouching for it. Open Source Software is a thankless world, or that’s what I sometimes thought, but you can’t get more satisfaction on your job than to be appreciated like that.

Thank you.

We ❤ you.



Pol Lanski

Passionate about a better world and technology. #DAppNode #Blockchain4Good