Launching “Nodes For Good”

Pol Lanski
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2019

DAppNode is an open-source project that is working to fulfill the future we envision, a future in which more people get more power and freedom through the technology that we are building.

We are conscious that, like us, there are many Open Source projects out there who are working out of their desire for a better world, with little to no resources more often than not. These projects can benefit greatly from broader collaboration in the space, which lead us to search for ways in which we could contribute to their growth and development in a regenerative and not transactional way. This is why we present you with the Nodes for Good program.

Infrastructure, that’s what we do

DAppNode is probably the easiest way to deploy any node for a P2P network in a completely decentralized way. With our hardware and software, we create the infrastructure layer for any decentralized network to thrive without relying on VPSs and allowing users to contribute with their favourite projects with simply one click installations and opt-in auto-updates.

Hence, we want to support other OS non-profit projects that contribute to the achievement of a better society, provide effective tools for financial inclusion, and work on unstoppable, censorship-resistant projects. In order to do so, we use the means we have: our platform. We look for ways where DAppNode can extend the reach and ease of use of our Nodes for Good partner projects. These partner projects will be included in the installer of DAppNode, allowing for anyone with a DAppNode to easily contribute to the network by deploying the node.

How do you apply?

The requirements are very simple:

  1. The project has to be Open Source and contribute to a better society by providing solutions for the disadvantaged through blockchain or P2P networks — meaning, they must have a decentralized node architecture that DAppNode can help deploy throughout its users or solve the technical difficulty of the deployment for the users of the OSS project.
  2. The project needs to have a docker image of the node
  3. The technical documentation needs to be clear and accessible

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and they are subject to alignment with DAppNode’s vision and bandwidth to go through the applications and to develop the package should the project be selected.

We believe in mutual collaboration between open source projects and making the OSS ecosystem stronger by collaborating and growing the community. We also believe in giving what we can to build the future together and the regeneration of resources through partnerships. We want to give our part and set an example of collaboration between projects.

>>>>Apply by filling this form!

Our first Nodes For Good partner: Trustlines Foundation

Last week we proudly announced our partnership with Trustlines Foundation to deploy a node for the Trustlines Network. They are the perfect example of what constitutes a OSS that uses decentralization to promote financial & economic inclusion by leveraging existing networks of trust off-chain and mapping it onto trustless infrastructure.

Their blockchain and protocol allow parties that trust each other to transfer value without requiring collateral or even owning that value to begin with, much like an IOU balance system but with implications over many other aspects. The accounts of such transfers are kept on-chain, a mPoS (minimum-viable Proof of Stake) side-chain of Ethereum. The nodes for this Trustline Network chain will soon be available in our installer for easy deployment of anyone who wants to participate in the network!

Do you want to know how to create your community currency? Can your neighbourhood use a trust system for the most disadvantaged? Do you have an idea of how to use trust-based relationships on chain and want to create your own project? Learn more about the Trustlines Network and how to do all of the above here!

We are super excited about creating a network of OSS projects helping each other. If you want to be our next Nodes For Good partner, fill this form and let’s join forces for a better future!

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Pol Lanski

Passionate about a better world and technology. #DAppNode #Blockchain4Good