Analyze Dapps with Dappquery

Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2020
Advance analytics using drag and drop Analyzer

Dappquery enables you to capture, analyze and generate a meaningful charts/dashboard for smart contracts deployed on various blockchains with just a few clicks. To get started register here.

We are proud to launch “Analyzer” where you can create charts, create dashboards with support of dozen types of chart types. Analyzer intuitive visual interface let you query, filter and join data for awesome visualizations. It takes the pain out of exploring your data and writes queries for you.

Analyzer” let you analyze smart contract activity and interactions by capturing all the transactions and events. We also enrich data generated from the smart contracts with popular integrations like IPFS, ENS domains etc.

Analyzer Features:

1. View smart contract data in human-readable format :

Dappquery collects all the data from smart contracts, enrich it with multiple integrations and convert them into a readable format.

Browse smart contract data in SQL tables

2. Build different kinds of charts and dashboard:

Dashboards are highly customizable and users can take advantage of different kinds of charts and graphs.

You can choose from dozens of chart types to create the best visualization of your smart contract data.

Browse schemas and write queries in their natural syntax and build charts

3. Share dashboard with everyone:

We believe in open community. You can share dashboards on a URL anywhere you need. Export your charts in popular formats like CSV, XLS and JSON.

Checkout our explorer for popular Dapp dashboards created by our awesome users:

Share dashboards on a URL anywhere you need

4. Receive reports in your mailbox:

Easily schedule reports of your charts and dashboards to be sent in your inbox at scheduled time. You can schedule multiple charts and dashboards together in a single report.

Easily schedule reports of your charts and dashboards which will be emailed to your inbox


We are open for early adopters. Signup now to get the exclusive benefits.

For more details contact us:





Connect smart contracts, build interactive charts and dashboards to visualize data, schedule reports and share with community