Create powerful dashboard from smart contracts deployed on xDai and POA network

Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2020
XDai Omnibridge Dashboard

We are happy to announce that starting today, dApp developers whose smart contracts are deployed on xDai, POA network can also create their analytics solution on Dappquery.

Why dApp developers are moving to xDai chain

  • Because of the high ETH/USD price, it’s costing hundreds of dollars to deploy and do transactions on Ethereum.
  • Users of the dApp are forced to pay fluctuating payments in ETH or a specific ERC-20 token that varies in value often resulting in a poor dApp user experience. xDai chain solves this issue by allowing developers to fix their payments in XDAI(a representation of DAI token) which is a stable coin.
  • xDai Chain applications provide everyday users with fast transactions and extremely low gas prices. Gas price is 1Gwei, so its super cheap to use and block time is 5s, makes it faster then Ethereum.
  • xDai stable Chain is Ethereum compatible, data and assets can be transferred seamlessly to the Ethereum mainnet providing backend safety and limitless opportunities to scale.

We started with support for Ethereum networks i.e Mainnet, Ropsten, Rinkeby, Goerli, Kovan. You can analyze smart contracts deployed on Ethereum networks following below article:

Launch your Ethereum Smart Contract Dashboard with Dappquery

Analyze Non Verified Etherscan Smart Contracts

Steps to connect your smart contracts deployed on xDai, POA network

  • Signup to Dappquery and click “My Dashboard”.
  • Select POA from platform dropdown
  • Select xDai or POA Core network from the network dropdown where your smart contracts are deployed.
  • Enter your contract address and click register. Your data syncing will start right away.

How do I connect to xDai Chain?

Need more network support?

Is your smart contract deployed on other network or chain? Please let us know in comments and we will support those too. Using Dappquery, you can connect your smart contracts, build interactive charts and dashboards to visualize data, schedule reports and share with community.

For more details contact us:





Connect smart contracts, build interactive charts and dashboards to visualize data, schedule reports and share with community