WTF is an Ethereum Dapp ?

Skirmantas Januškas
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2018

Lately Ethereum DApps are getting more and more attention in social media. Some people say that DApp is a word of 2018. More than 10 new DApps are submitted to each day. is a website that lists the best Ethereum DApps and ranks them by various metrics. It is hard to understand these numbers for a beginner and that’s why you are here.

What is a DApp ?

There are many articles about what the dapp really is. To keep it simple, we can say that a DApp is a Decentralized Application. DApp can be a website, mobile app or something else. As long as the code responsible for main app logic is running on blockchain, it is a DApp.

Each DApp is running in thousands of computers worldwide (thanks to Ethereum network) and the benefits are:

  • Always available. Well, unless all the computers across the continents suddenly go down (solar flare???).
  • No censorship. Government wants to censorship something ? Tell them to censor something that is running in thousands of computers worldwide!
  • No need to trust anyone. Almost all the DApps are open source. That means, their code is available to anyone and it is way harder to do something shady. You don’t need to trust that a casino is cheating, just read the code!

What kind of DApps are there ?

Currently, we are facing an outbreak in collectible dapps. These are “games” with no real gameplay. I believe it’s just an early adoption and will evolve faster than we could think. Let’s go for a quick overview of different kinds of DApps.

Token Exchanges

Do you own tokens like EOS, VEN, TRX or any other and want to exchange them ? Use decentralized exchanges like ForkDelta safely! ForkDelta has about 4.000 Daily Active Users and takes the first spot on


Play the game you love forever! Imagine — a MMORPG game you played for years suddenly shuts down. All your progress, items, even real money is lost. Blockchain makes it different. Your progress and items are stored in the blockchain forever. A few games to keep an eye:, EtherBots, EtherCraft.


Who can guarantee that major casinos are fair ? Would you believe that slot machines give you a fair chance of winning ? I would not! There are decent casinos already out there that have house edge as low as 1% (Etheroll) or even with no house edge (Edgeless)!


There are a lot more types. Many promising DApps are currently being developed and tested. Follow on Twitter to find out about them first!

Hope this article lets you understand DApps better! Take in mind that DApps are still very young but I believe they will evolve fast. Try them now!

Most popular DApps list with up to date statistics are available on Find the one that fits your needs!

Best Ethereum Dapps

