2019 H1 Dapp Market Report — by DappReview

Vincent Niu
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2019
  • All figures and charts are based on data (2019/01/01–2019/06/30) from dapp.review. All rights reserved.
  • This report is written and published by DappReview Team. The English version is translated by Mable Jiang @ Nirvana Capital.
  • Using or reposting the charts / contents of this report is welcomed, but please mark the source and link.

All the dapps data sources are from https://dapp.review

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About DappReview:

DappReview is the largest Dapp platform in the world, tracking data of 10 public chains, with more than 3400 Dapps data. We are delivering accurate DApp data, user insights and market analytics.

As one of the leading media dedicated to blockchain technology and DApps, DappReview provides professional reviews on new DApps and industry insights. Most of our articles are in Chinese, but we will translate the featured ones and publish on Medium.

We had partnered with all major blockchain media and wallets in China. We also provide Financial Advisors services and PR/marketing solutions for developers and DApp companies.

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Vincent Niu

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