DappReview & Cocos-BCX Established Strategic Partnership

DappReview Editor
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2019

DappReview is excited to announce a partnership with Cocos-BCX, to exploring the potential of blockchain gaming to promote the mass adoption of blockchain technology.

About Cocos-BCX

Cocos-BCX, fully named ‘Cocos BlockChain Expedition’, aims to create an integrated multi-platform runtime environment for games, providing developers with the convenience and completeness in game development, while bringing users a whole new gaming experience, unprecedented gaming status, and with all the assets obtained in the games being wholly owned by the users.

How would the partnership benefit both of the two parties

Useful data to conduct analysis on are the building blocks of DAppReview competitive marketing analytics. Cocos-BCX will be working closely with DAppReview to provide useful data of blockchain games for DAppReview to better collect and analyze data, thereby generating competitive insights.

With DAppReview’s quality on-chain data and competitive marketing insights, Cocos-BCX could gain a deeper understanding and knowledge into the DApp market. Insights would translate into strategies, which is helpful to build brand loyalty among users for a healthy and sustainable ecosystem.

DAppReview will add an exclusive section on website to track the dapps data in the following month.

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About DappReview:

DappReview is the largest Dapp platform in the world, tracking data of 8 public chains, with more than 3300 Dapps data. We are delivering accurate DApp data, user insights and market analytics.

As one of the leading media dedicated to blockchain technology and DApps, DappReview provides professional reviews on new DApps and industry insights. Most of our articles are in Chinese, but we will translate the featured ones and publish on Medium.

We had partnered with all major blockchain media and wallets in China. We also provide Financial Advisors services and PR/marketing solutions for developers and DApp companies.

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DappReview Editor

https://dapp.review/ — The largest Dapp platform, delivering accurate DApp data, user insights and market analytics.