DAPPX Developer Mid-September Sprint Updates (Week 33 to 36)

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3 min readSep 15, 2022

This September, DAPPX has some exciting developments for you. The DAPPX NFT Marketplace and DAPPX-ODIN are now accessible, and there are other features coming in! Take a glimpse of what our developers are building on top of these accomplishments over the past month. Read here.

Building of Kucoin Tower’s 2nd floor

Kucoin Tower is getting more interesting. More than the fascinating façade, there is currently an on-going development for Kucoin’s meta-space on the second floor. Soon users will be able to roam this part of the KuCoin building, browse their website in this area, and place their crypto exchanges or purchases in real time.

DAPPX NFT Marketplace

Right now, the developers have successfully launched the DAPPX NFT Marketplace in collaboration with Immutable X, allowing users to browse Your Earth DAO lands without paying any gas fees.Choose among regular spots or themed spots, and wait until the crypto mining features of your land become available.

This feature is only available until the end of Season 1, which is September 27, 2022.

DAPPX-ACE Withdrawal Feature

Acent pledgers will be excited to know that by the end of this month, the ACE withdrawal feature in their DAPPX profile will be available!

The smart contract for ACE withdrawal is already live on the testnet, and the backend and admin panel for the withdrawal feature are nearing completion.


DAPPX-ODIN is being created to become the next Steam for blockchain-based games. The Alpha version of the DAPPX-ODIN has been successfully released. The Unreal Engine 5 build server has been setup, which would enable the DAPPX creators and outside developers to upload Triple-A games in the DAPPX-ODIN with high-performing graphics.

Download the Metaweb OS from here and launch the hexagonal-looking icon on the left of the Acent (Osiris) browser address bar and you will brought to this User Interface:


Users will be excited to prepare their computing specs for this game. Although slightly lower in computing requirements than Your Earth DAO, this action filled game will truly satisfy blockchain gamers looking for excitement and means to monetize their gaming skills.

Right now, the developers are busy for the upcoming Alpha Release.

See you in the next update!

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