Exciting AI Features Coming to DAPPX in 2024: Unlocking Creative Possibilities

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4 min readMar 16, 2024

Discover the cutting-edge AI features that DAPPX is set to introduce in 2024, including AI-generated images and videos. These revolutionary capabilities will empower artists, influencers, and DAPPX holders to unleash their creativity like never before.


  • DAPPX is introducing exciting AI features in 2024, including AI-generated images and videos.
  • Users can create unique, high-quality visuals by locking DAPPX tokens and leveraging state-of-the-art AI models.
  • The AI-generated videos will enable influencers on various social media platforms to produce fully scripted, edited, and mastered content within minutes.


Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various industries, and the world of digital art and content creation is no exception. In 2024, DAPPX is set to introduce exciting AI features that will unlock new possibilities for DAPPX holders to become artists or influencers in their own sphere. The DAPPX roadmap for 2024 would include features such as AI-generated images and videos, exclusive only to DAPPX holders, offering them a unique and innovative way to utilize their DAPPX.

Below are some of the several exciting AI features that will be implemented as part of the DAPPX roadmap in 2024.

AI architecture is coming into DAPPX

DAPPX, a game publishing platform, is set to undergo transformative expansion by incorporating blockchain and AI technology into its ecosystem. While initially known for its play-to-earn (P2E) game, particularly COBA Royale, DAPPX aims to leverage these emerging technologies to develop several new use cases for its platform. By doing so, the company intends to provide its token holders with a diverse range of utilities beyond the traditional play-to-earn model.

The integration of AI technology into the blockchain gaming industry has been a game-changer, offering players more interactive and immersive gameplay with the added benefit of true ownership of digital assets. However, AI technology is not only ubiquitous in the gaming industry but also in the creator’s economy. Hence, DAPPX recognizes the need to adapt and embrace these innovations to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Undoubtedly, DAPPX’s decision to expand its platform to incorporate blockchain and AI technology demonstrates its commitment to innovation and providing its token holders with a diverse range of utilities. Here are some of them:

1. DAPPX Image Gen: Unleashing Creative Expression

DAPPX Image Gen is a groundbreaking feature that allows DAPPX holders to generate unique, AI-generated images by locking DAPPX tokens. This feature opens up a whole new world of creative possibilities for artists and individuals who want to explore digital artwork using AI and blockchain.

The use of AI in image generation has been gaining traction in recent years. AI art generators utilize machine learning techniques to create stunning images from text prompts. These tools leverage cutting-edge AI models to transform simple text descriptions into visually captivating artworks. With DAPPX Image Gen, artists can tap into this technology to create unique and mesmerizing digital art pieces from simple text commands.

2. DAPPX Video Gen: Empowering Influencers and Content Creators

In addition to AI-generated images, DAPPX is also introducing DAPPX Video Gen, a feature that enables users to generate AI-generated videos by locking DAPPX tokens. This feature is set to revolutionize content creation for influencers on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

DAPPX Video Gen provides DAPPX holders with the capability to produce video content without human intervention. This includes the whole process of scripting, editing, and collating video clips to produce a whole video. With just a few clicks, DAPPX holders can generate engaging and professionally produced videos that can generate likes and shares convertible into token rewards.


The introduction of AI features to DAPPX in 2024 marks an exciting milestone in the realm of digital art and content creation. With AI-generated images and videos, DAPPX empowers DAPPX holders to unlock their creative potential and explore new use cases for their DAPPX tokens.

The DAPPX Image Gen feature enables DAPPX holders to generate unique, high-quality visuals that accurately reflect their input text. On the other hand, DAPPX Video Gen provides DAPPX holders with powerful features to auto-produce video content in minutes. These features, combined with social media engagement functionalities, can create a vibrant and collaborative community within the DAPPX platform.

As AI continues to advance, we can expect even more exciting features and innovations in the future. DAPPX is at the forefront of this technological revolution, enabling users to harness the power of AI and shape the future of digital art, content creation, and tokenization.


  • How does AI generate images?

AI generates images by employing state-of-the-art AI models that transform text prompts into visually captivating artworks. These models utilize machine learning techniques to analyze data and generate images that accurately reflect the input text.

  • Can AI-generated images be used for commercial purposes?

Yes, AI-generated images can be used for commercial purposes. However, it is important to ensure that the images comply with copyright laws and any licensing requirements. It is advisable to consult legal experts to understand the specific regulations and permissions related to AI-generated images.



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Leverage your creativity with blockchain-based Generative AI