Unlocking the potential of DAPPX AI in music creation: Your free AI music generator

Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2024

Discover the advantages of DAPPX AI Music Gen, a free yet powerful tool that composes unique and copyright-free music in any genre. Explore how it can inspire music artists and serve as input for music compositions.


  • DAPPX AI Music Gen is a free tool that composes unique and copyright-free music in any genre.
  • It can serve as inspiration for music artists and provide input for music compositions.
  • Users can connect their wallet to ai.dapptore.me to access and use DAPPX AI Music Gen for free.


AI music generation is a fascinating field that combines artificial intelligence and music composition. With the help of AI, you can now generate beautiful songs, create background music, and even compose catchy melodies. There are several AI music generation tools available that can assist you in this creative process.

One popular tool is Soundraw, where you can choose the mood, genre, and length, and the AI will generate songs accordingly. Its subscription plan ranges from $16 to $49. Another option is Beatoven. With a starting price of $6/month, Beatoven allows you to create royalty-free background music for videos, podcasts, and games. OpenAI’s MuseNet is another popular AI-powered tool that can generate musical compositions in various styles and genres with a pay-as-you-go type of pricing.

But if you are wanting to try some free AI tools for music generation, consider using DAPPX AI Music Gen. DAPPX AI Music Gen unlocks the potential of AI in music creation by providing several advantages, as discussed below.

Advantages of DAPPX AI Music Gen

1. Free to use

DAPPX promotes the mass adoption of blockchain technology. One way to do this is by combining the features and functions of AI with Web 3. DAPPX AI Music Gen makes use of crypto integration to provide users with a free version of this special music composition tool.

2. Composes unique and copyright-free music

DAPPX AI Music Gen utilizes advanced AI algorithms to generate original music compositions. This means that every piece of music created with this tool is unique and free from copyright restrictions. Music artists can explore new melodies, harmonies, and rhythms without worrying about infringing on someone else’s work. This opens up a world of possibilities for creativity and innovation in the music industry.

3. Inspiration for music artists

DAPPX AI Music Gen serves as a valuable source of inspiration for music artists. By exploring the generated music, artists can discover new musical ideas, chord progressions, and melodic patterns that they may not have thought of before. This tool can spark creativity and provide a fresh perspective, helping artists overcome creative blocks and expand their musical horizons.

4. Input for music composition

Another advantage of DAPPX AI Music Gen is its ability to serve as input for music compositions. Users can take the generated music as a starting point and further develop it according to their artistic vision. Users can build upon the generated music and create fully realized compositions.

How to Access DAPPX AI Music Gen

To access DAPPX AI Music Gen, users need to connect their wallet to ai.dapptore.me. Once connected, users can explore the various features and functionalities of the tool.

Detailed instructions on how to use DAPPX AI Music Gen can be found in the step-by-step guide provided by DAPPX.


DAPPX AI Music Gen is revolutionizing the music industry by harnessing the power of AI to create unique and copyright-free music. With its ability to inspire music artists and serve as input for music compositions, this tool is opening up new avenues of creativity and innovation. By connecting their wallet to ai.dapptore.me, users can unlock the full potential of AI in music creation for free.


  1. Is the music generated by DAPPX AI Music Gen copyright-free?
    Yes, the music generated by DAPPX AI Music Gen is copyright-free, allowing users to use it without any legal restrictions.
  2. Can DAPPX AI Music Gen be used as a source of inspiration for music artists?
    Absolutely! DAPPX AI Music Gen serves as a valuable source of inspiration for music artists, providing them with new musical ideas and creative possibilities.
  3. Can I use the music generated by DAPPX AI Music Gen as input for my music compositions?
    Yes, you can use the music generated by DAPPX AI Music Gen as input for your music compositions. It provides chords, melodies, and even some mixing elements that you can build upon [6].
  4. How do I access DAPPX AI Music Gen?
    To access DAPPX AI Music Gen, you need to connect your wallet to ai.dapptore.me. Once connected, you can start using the tool to compose unique and copyright-free music.
  5. Is DAPPX AI Music Gen free to use?
    Yes, DAPPX AI Music Gen is free to use. Users can connect their wallet to ai.dapptore.me and you will automatically receive 120,000 credits to start utilizing the tool without any cost.

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Leverage your creativity with blockchain-based Generative AI