IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. In IPFS, files will have a unique fingerprint called a cryptographic hash, and this protocol provides deduplication, high performance, and clustered persistence — empowering people to store the world’s information for future generations.
But in our daily use, we meet some problems which restrict the application of IPFS.
P2P is the first problem. We appreciate the design in IPFS, and the peer-to-peer content delivery really saves the cost of bandwidth. But it needs Client to keep the P2P connection, and many people want to reach the files in a browser rather than a P2P client. Therefore, the network needs some gateways that will help users retrieve files from p2p clients and show them in web browsers. And we are glad to find some websites such as https://ipfs.io/ipfs, https://ipfs.infura.io/, https://ipfs.mttk.net/ to solve this problem.
The second is the value measurement of files. As a storage layer, IPFS doesn’t need to care about the value of files. So we can see many files stored in IPFS but have few retrievals. That’s the problem. In order to activate the value of storage, we need to store files in a way that is user-orientated. But due to the design of IPFS, it doesn’t suit the high-frequency retrieval.
Meson wants to solve the problems above. On the storage side, we help users to upload files to IPFS in web browser. And on the retrieval side, users can view the files in web browser. In this way, most people don’t need to communicate with the P2P client that lowers the threshold of using the IPFS network.
We have added a cache layer(AKA. second layer) over IPFS, which caches the high-frequency retrieval files to Meson. This will help optimize the speed for content delivery and save the cost/pressure in the basic storage layer(IPFS).
Try Meson now on our website: https://meson.network
From the demo page, the link above from the official, and the link below is Meson’s acceleration service. The link below caches the file from IPFS network and does content delivery globally.