Creating Communities on Dara
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2021

|| For Members and Admins

Hi there! This is part of a series of tips from us at Dara’s team, meant to make your experience on Dara a seamless one. Let’s talk about expanding your Organization’s list of Communities OR simply creating a Community to take Dara for a spin.

Before we get started, if you’d like to know more about what Communities are and how they differ from Dara’s Partner Orgs, go here.

Also, if you are an Admin in one of our Partner Orgs’ Communities and are looking to create a new Community on Dara, it pays to make sure that it doesn’t already exist. You might already have a Community that serves a very similar purpose, so double-check and take a closer look at their Descriptions.

If you think there’s a Community that you should be a part of, but do not have access to, message Dara’s team directly here.

For Dara Members

If you are starting a Community without an Organizational Partner powering it, apply here and we’ll get you going.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to finding the same form on Dara:

Start by tapping the Community Logo on the bottom-left of your screen, and then bring down the list of Communities you are a part of from the top-left.

Scroll down till you see the Create a Community button. Once you press this, our short New Community Form should open up.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you fill it:

  • Make sure that your Community’s Name and Description are intuitive and easy to remember.
  • Be careful when deciding whether or not to make your Community Discoverable, and whether or not Admin approval should be required to join.

Please note — Dara is an Ads-free space, and Organizational Partners are the pillars that support our ecology. We get that some communities doing great work cannot afford to pay, and we’d like to support them none-the-less. So if your group fits into that, don’t hesitate to apply!

If (or when) you can, please lean in on your group leaders to try to contribute towards paying for Dara :)

Once you’ve submitted your form, please give us 24 hours to respond. If you don’t hear back from us, message, and she’ll get right back to you.

For Dara Partner Admins

Partner Admins who are already on Dara can use the same form, but do please remember to tell us which Organization supports your Community, as this helps link it to the Dara Partner whose network you are a part of.

…however, if your Org is currently getting onboard Dara, and you haven’t created your first Community yet, head on over here to have a look at how we’ll be Onboarding you.

We hope this information helps you create a Community on Dara.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions or suggestions. Or, you can message Dara’s team directly on Dara here.

Our team is highly responsive and committed to giving you the best user experience.

-Dara’s team.



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