Chat Groups and Channels on Dara: What's the Difference?
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2021

|| For Members

The way Chat Groups and Channels work on Dara may seem confusing at first, but we promise this article will help you get the hang of it. Let’s start with Chat Groups. These are for talking to two or more people. Adding and removing people from Chat Groups on Dara is very simple, and you can find a step-by-step guide on how to do so here.

Channels are pre-made Chat Groups that you will be able to access once you join a Dara Community. Here’s how you can do that. Generally, each Community has two pre-made Channels. These are:

  • Posts, which is for announcements by Admins within their Community. These are Broadcast Channels, and work one-way — from Admins to their Community Members.
  • Asks, which is where you go for assistance. Asks are Two-Way Channels, and Admins and Members can speak to each other here.

Additionally, Dara Partners get a News Channel, in order to make announcements to all Dara Members across their Communities. These are like Posts, in that they also work one-way.

Partners can also decide whether they want a Chatter Channel instead of Asks, or if they’d like to have both made available. While Asks are more for assistance, Chatter Channels are meant for open discourse around various topics.

If you have trouble locating Channels, check out this short visual guide. As the image above indicates, you can always create additional Channels for your Community.

We hope this information helps you understand how Chat Groups and Channels work on Dara.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions or suggestions. Or, you can message Dara’s team directly on Dara here.

We are highly responsive and committed to giving you the best user experience.

-Dara’s team.



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