3 Visual Tools That Will Make Your Presentations Anything But Boring

Bye-bye, PowerPoint presentations. We won’t miss you.

Dare To Be Better


A colorful brainstorming template for a fun presentation. Image source: Canva

I bet you all have suffered through those boring presentations that have long paragraphs of text all over the slides. And for some weird reason, presenters feel obligated to read everything they put on those slides. To lighten things ups, they usually add an image at the end. Alas, nothing can save such a dry presentation.

In my opinion, if you are still using the default PowerPoint templates, you are doing something wrong. But what if you re-think the way you approach presentations completely? Here are three of my favorite visual tools to help you create engaging, memorable presentations people actually enjoy:


Miro is a brilliant app for visual thinkers that inspired this entire article. I saw this app in action not long ago; and to be honest, it was during one of the most engaging presentations I’ve ever seen. A presenter was drawing, talking, switching between charts and memes, all in real-time, and it was amazing to watch. I didn’t yawn. Not even once.



Dare To Be Better

Self-taught software engineer, mom, avid reader, and artist writing about coding, creativity, and everything in between. ✨