Control Your Online Presence With This New Tool From Google

Concerned about your internet privacy? Check out this little handy (free) tool.

Dare To Be Better


Control your information in just three easy steps.

For better or worse, we all leave a bright digital footprint behind. The Internet never forgets; it stores our old embarrassing photos, abandoned social media profiles, cringy posts, and comments we totally forgot about. But wait, it gets worse. Numerous home addresses, phone numbers, and other bits of information that are supposed to be private are freely floating in a big digital cloud. You can google literally anyone nowadays to get a solid understanding of who this person is. Or maybe even find their home address and email.

Scary times.

If you haven’t tried googling yourself before, try it! Most likely, you will be amazed. I was.

Results about you

Online presence and privacy are quite pressing issues nowadays. That’s why Google released a new “Results about you” tool earlier this year. While they are not too worried about cringy photos of you with your old besties, they do care about removing search results that contain your personal phone number, home address, or email address.

Once you find that concerning bit of information online, all you need to do is select a menu…



Dare To Be Better

Self-taught software engineer, mom, avid reader, and artist writing about coding, creativity, and everything in between. ✨