Fun Things You Can Do With Notion API

Learn how to use Notion API and what you can achieve with it.

Dare To Be Better


Considering the fact that Notion brands itself as the all-in-one workspace, it’s about time they release an API for third-party developers. Their new API, released on May 13, 2021, is still in public Beta but you can start playing with it today even if you use a free personal account.

Notion loves to call itself a productivity tool that blends all everyday work apps into one. Even before they released the API, it was already partially true. Personally, I think Notion is a great tool both for individuals and teams; something that I already discussed at length in this article:

This article is going to be more technical, but even if you’ve never worked with an API before, we will use a ready-to-use Postman collection and discuss all the steps. For complete beginners, this article can become a great starting point for a small personal project.

Experienced developers who read this article can start thinking about all the possibilities for…



Dare To Be Better

Self-taught software engineer, mom, avid reader, and artist writing about coding, creativity, and everything in between. ✨