How to Take Great Notes: The Best Note-Taking Systems Illustrated

“There’s nothing better than a beautiful day at the beach filled with sun, surf, and uh, diligent note-taking.” — Pam Beesly, The Office

Dare To Be Better


Created by author

Good notes can justify the time and efforts you spent taking that online course or talking to a potential client. And you probably heard that there is more than one way of taking notes; all of them serve different purposes. However, all of them can make you a better student or even become a valuable skill that you might use daily at your job.

Maybe, you heard the names like “The Outline Method” or “The Cornell Method” but unless you actively used them, you might struggle to explain what each of them means. That’s why I tried not only to describe the most popular note-taking methods but also to add bright illustrations to the mix. Even if you forget everything you’ve read today, I hope that these pictures will pop up in your head when you need them the most.

The Outline Method

Perfect for: taking structured notes during the lecture, material review

The easiest and probably the most used method out of them all is The Outline Method. You probably don’t call it that but intuitively, everyone knows how…



Dare To Be Better

Self-taught software engineer, mom, avid reader, and artist writing about coding, creativity, and everything in between. ✨