Learn From Mistakes Because They Are So Valuable!

Gökhan Çakır
Dare To Be Better
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2022

Everyone is afraid of making mistakes. If mistakes aren’t fatal, we should hide our mistakes in our minds! Because they are so valuable!

As little kids, we are raised afraid of making mistakes. Because we dread the reaction of our parents, and in fact, from a very young age we were brought up to be afraid of making mistakes.

As you know, the sadness we experience at a young age does not leave us for a lifetime. And as a person grows, who calculates every step he will take and is constantly afraid of making a mistake

We have a lot to learn from our mistakes. We are afraid to start, talking to someone we like or the job we want to do, etc.

The fears we felt as children pull us back so much when we start things that we always feel like we are at war with ourselves.

Making mistakes is instructive. To do what we want to do, to take the first step to talk to the opposite sex or to transfer our experiences to the next generation. These are the things that make people amazing happy!

The children we raise without fear of making mistakes are more productive, they learn quickly, and they do useful work for their environment.

When we examine the lives of very successful people such as Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet, these people were not afraid of making mistakes. On the contrary, he excitedly explained the mistakes they made and learned very good lessons from them.

Imagine if Bill Gates was scared and didn’t try when he made the first operating system!
Imagine Elon Musk not interested in space science or electric vehicles.

Actually everything is that simple.

The solution is to just roll up your sleeves and START!

When we are freed from our chain of fear, we can be more productive.

We will be more experienced in dealing with the difficulties in life, and the struggle for life will become lighter as we get stronger. Because we faced our fears, we were not afraid of making mistakes and we made great experiences from our mistakes!

If we can’t get over some things personally, at least we shouldn’t scare our own children into not making mistakes!

A small child can change a whole world!

And finally, experience is invaluable!…



Gökhan Çakır
Dare To Be Better

Hello, I'm Gökhan ÇAKIR, working as a manager in the Software industry. My interests include Software, Cars, and Touristic travels.