Tech Apprenticeships: Gain Experience and Get Paid

It’s totally possible to start your career in tech without a degree. Companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Google have been offering it for years

Dare To Be Better


A girl is looking for Tech Apprenticeships online

Apprenticeships aren’t to train someone so they can get a job — an apprenticeship is a job.

..and a well-paid job by the way.

Becoming an apprentice at a big company like LinkedIn or Google is an amazing opportunity to start your career without a degree. And I wish that more people would know about these opportunities.

Every time I try to google a tech apprenticeship, I get a lot of results but not what I really need — a list of apprenticeships, requirements, and honest reviews. When I was still at school, they encouraged us to apply for every apprenticeship out there so I’m familiar with most of them. My good friend got an apprenticeship at LinkedIn a few years ago and now works for them full-time, my friend from Miami randomly found Microsoft Leap online and recently completed the program…I applied to all of these programs at least once and failed at one stage or another. I guess my programming journey wasn’t supposed to be easy but I did learn a lot of things in a process that I would…



Dare To Be Better

Self-taught software engineer, mom, avid reader, and artist writing about coding, creativity, and everything in between. ✨