How to make ChatGPT “remember” and “keep the chat consistent”

Top 50+ ChatGPT Personas for Custom Instructions

Richard Warepam
Dare To Be Better
4 min readOct 10, 2023


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Imagine a world where your AI assistant not only understands your questions but also anticipates your needs, tailoring its responses to your unique preferences.

Sounds like science fiction?

Welcome to the reality of ChatGPT with custom instructions.

In this article, we’ll explore how to make good use of this feature for more personalized interactions. Plus, we’ll introduce you to an invaluable resource: our eBook “Top 50+ Personas for ChatGPT Custom Instructions.

Evolution of ChatGPT
The Importance of Custom Instructions
How to Implement Custom Instructions
Introducing “Top 50+ Personas for ChatGPT Custom Instructions” eBook:
How to Purchase the eBook

Evolution of ChatGPT

ChatGPT has come a long way since its inception. What started as a text-based conversational agent has evolved into a sophisticated tool capable of generating human-like responses.

But the real game-changer?

The ability to use custom instructions transforms ChatGPT from a generic assistant into a personalized concierge.

The Importance of Custom Instructions

Custom instructions are the secret sauce that elevates your ChatGPT experience from good to great.

Think of them as the editorial guidelines for your AI assistant. Just as a journalist follows a particular style guide, ChatGPT can now follow your specific instructions to produce content that aligns perfectly with your needs.

How to Implement Custom Instructions

Implementing custom instructions is a straightforward process. Below is a step-by-step guide:

  1. To begin, click on the three dots at the bottom left of your ChatGPT interface.
three dots -> Custom instructions

2. A dialogue box will then display, as seen below:

Dialogue box, where you provide the description of the persona you want

3. Copy, paste, or describe the persona you’d like your chatGPT to take on.

4. Once the work is completed, you may manually disable the Custom Instructions functionality.

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It’s that easy to implement.

Introducing the “Top 50+ Personas for ChatGPT Custom Instructions” eBook:

If you’re looking to master the art of custom instructions, our eBook “Top 50+ Personas for ChatGPT Custom Instructions” is your go-to resource. This comprehensive guide offers 50+ different personas, each with its own set of custom instructions, allowing you to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT.

Ebook Contents

How to Purchase the eBook

Ready to take your ChatGPT experience to the next level? Our eBook is available for purchase on our website. So, I’d keep such a valuable ebook available for free for first 30 of my readers. So, hurry up! Grab your copy as soon as possible.



The advent of custom instructions has revolutionized the way we interact with ChatGPT, offering a more personalized and efficient experience. Whether you’re a business owner, a content creator, or just someone looking to optimize your ChatGPT interactions, custom instructions are the key. And with our eBook “Top 50+ Personas for ChatGPT Custom Instructions,” you’ll have all the tools you need to succeed.



Richard Warepam
Dare To Be Better

Worked as Developer | Passionate about Data Science | Writes on Data Science (AI/ML) | Learn A/B Testing for FREE: