Dare to Challenge
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2016


A research on child obesity , conducted across Europe gradually showing results . The research focuses on preschool children (2–6 years). According to the evidence so far Greece has one of the highest positions in the European scale .

ToyBox — A European multicenter study, with the aim of creating an obesity prevention program designed for preschoolers

The ToyBox is a study funded by the European Union (2010–2014) and aims to develop, implement and evaluate an innovative and comprehensive program to prevent obesity in children 4–6 years. This program aims to identify and understand the behaviors associated with obesity in preschool age, and factors associated with these behaviors. Taking into account the cultural and legislative differences, but also differences in the available infrastructure between the participating countries, will develop an action plan for promoting healthy eating and enjoyable, non-competitive activities in kindergartens Europe.

Why we choose the age of 4–6 years?

The preschool years are a critical period for prevention of obesity, and during this time developed and largely shaped behaviors, psychological characteristics and physiological functions of children. The development and adoption of the desired behaviors will help to achieve optimal development during childhood but also to increase the probability of long-term preservation of health in adulthood.

What will ToyBox program do?

ToyBox central aim of the program is to promote healthy behaviors related to diet and exercise in preschool children, to prevent obesity. Further aim is to inform the scientific community of professionals from the fields of health and education and those responsible for formulating policies, to such initiatives be extended to a European level. The ToyBox program:

  • identify behaviors associated with obesity in early childhood, and the factors affecting such behaviors.
  • will assess existing behavioral models and educational strategies that promote behavior change among this age group.
  • will evaluate environmental policies and legislation affecting the implementation of activities promoting health in early childhood.
  • will develop an intervention focusing on kindergarten and will seek the active participation of the family in order to influence the behaviors associated with obesity in children aged 4–6 years.This intervention will be adjusted to the cultural and legislative differences, but also differences in the available infrastructure between the countries involved.
  • will implement the intervention program in six European countries, assessing the process, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of this intervention will disseminate the results of the intervention program and will develop recommendations for European health education policies.


In ToyBox program includes a multidisciplinary team of researchers from 10 countries of Europe. The program will engage a number of researchers from different disciplines including health education specialists, epidemiologists, dietitians-nutritionists, physical education specialists, educators, psychologists, scientists who specialize in behavior, pediatricians, psychologists experts for preschool age and health economists. The team consists of 11 universities, a research institute, two international institutions and a SME, representing different regions of Europe and have significant experience in both the coordination and international multi-center studies, and the dissemination of results to the competent bodies.

The Program ToyBox

The ToyBox is an intervention program for the prevention of childhood obesity, lasting 24 weeks, which was implemented from October 2012 until April 2013 in six European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland and Spain ). More than 300 kindergartens and 7000 children with parents / carers and / their kindergarten teachers participated in this program.
The goal of ToyBox program was to improve health behaviors associated with obesity in early childhood, such as water consumption, intermediate meals, physical activity and sedentary behavior, and the factors that influence these behaviors. More specifically, the project focused on four levels:

  • Remodeling of the natural environment of the nursery.
  • Implementation of desired health behaviors of children (water consumption, intermediate eating healthy meals, physical activity and reduce sedentary time) in kindergarten.
  • Exploiting soft, fun, interactive classroom activities (eg, stories, experiments, games) with active participation of the whole class.
  • Active participation of parents / guardians to reshape the natural home environment and implement the desired health behaviors with their children at home

The material of ToyBox program used in kindergarten, includes a hand puppet in the form of wallaby, the General Guidelines for Kindergarten and four Guides Activities for the Classroom, one for each of the target behaviors. In addition, nine leaflets eight counseling cards and four posters were distributed to parents / guardians during the program. Finally, there were three training sessions in order to train kindergarten teachers on the implementation of the program in kindergarten.

The process, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ToyBox program were evaluated through questionnaires, anthropometric measurements (measurement of height, weight, waist circumference) and measurement of physical activity levels of children (with pedometers).

The purpose of this project is informing the parents of 2–6 years old children about healthy eating and ways to promote and implementation of.

Welcome to our #Dare to challenge project.


