2. ABILITIES : The Idea Generation

Anastasia Zapadioti
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2017

The idea of a platform, where people can directly connect with each other and with companies, specializing into the emerging data science field, and discover new job opportunities, is the core of our challenge. Our mission seems to be the empowering of people with autism disorders, who demonstrate high levels of intelligence and abilities in data analysis and software testing to have equal job opportunities, as well as the democratization of the access to big data.

Since the amount of disabled persons in the world is outrageously large, we decided to focus our interest only on the autistic people, whose special characteristics are of great importance. Having as a benchmark, Specialisterne company, that has first incoroporated people with autism disorders in its business environment, we decided to change the corporate values of the 21st century, by initiating companies to an off-prejudice way of thinking.

Because yes, in the 21st century in a european civilized country, people still reject everything different, even if this kind of difference has very special abilities to offer. And yes, autistic people do have excellent skills to offer, specializing into the emerging data science field. Therefore, we came up with “ABILITIES”, to give to these people the chance to prove what they deserve through their work in great corporates, where they will have been hired equally and empowered by their high levels of intelligence.

But what is “ABILITIES” ?

“ABILITIES” is an open source and crowd funded platform, where people with deep experties or interest in data science and analysis can connect to each other, while also discovering great job oportunities from the world’s leading companies in that field. “ABILITIES” second mission is to provide open public access to big data, empowering everyone to get involved into understanding and analysing this data, so as to enhance people’s life in meaningful ways.

The platform is going to be open for everyone and provide both B2C and B2B services. Nevertheless, since our main purpose is people with autism disorders, we will be based on our communication strategy, which will be adapted on demand, always taking into mature consideration the legal prerequisite of each country. In other words, this means, that when we are allowed, we will empower the charismatic to this field autistic people through campaigns, in order to boost them sign up in our platform.

So, our social project seems to be a solution for people with autism disorders first and for everyone else who demonstrates great skills in data science. This is a chance for us to prove that the corporate values of the 21st century can truly change and that’s why we DARE TO CHALLENGE.

At this point, we would like to thank miss Betty Tsakarestou (Professor and Head of Advertising and Pr Lab at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University), for inspiring us through “Social Issues, Social Innovation and Corporate Responsibility” class to come in touch with such an issue.

The team: Vasilis Plegas , Fotini Panavou , Anastasia Zapadioti , Mélanie and Lou.



Anastasia Zapadioti
Dare to Challenge

Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media and Culture • PR - Marketer Enthousiast in the making➰